Friday Ephemera
Fun with condoms. // Fans of FC Magdeburg help their team locate their opponents’ goal. (h/t, Obo) // Dads who didn’t want a dog. // On the theme for Doctor Who. (h/t, Damian) // Whalesynth. // Life at sea. // The Victorian illustrated Shakespeare archive. // The search for the greatest, like, ever, Valley Girl. // A brief history of Oscar-winning visual effects. // A brief history of nail clipping. // This. // TopoTopo. // Our impartial media. // Made with Google Earth. // Meanwhile, in academia. (h/t, TDK) // Delivery of note. // You have my undivided attention. // A touch of drag. // On the adhesive properties of geckos’ feet. // Don’t touch my stuff. // These things exist. // And finally, informatively, an interactive real-time 3D map of every bit of man-made stuff currently in orbit.
Jeez, it’s sparrow fart and life at sea has gone already.
Thank you for the Doctor Who theme link. Amazing what they could do with electronic equipment back before the days of PCs. The Radiophonic Workshop did some amazing stuff!
Amazing what they could do with electronic equipment back before the days of PCs. The Radiophonic Workshop did some amazing stuff!
You’re…going to want to sit down for this, then.
These things exist.
Is it like a sports cup but for women?
Is it like a sports cup but for women?
It reminded me of gardening gloves. Not sure why.
every bit of man-made stuff currently in orbit.
The Hubble Telescope has just gone past Australia.
Life at sea.
The video appears to have foundered, but another copy appears to have set anchor . . . and the same Googlemancy provides what the Guild Of Evil might look like were David’s bar on the waves . . .
another copy appears to have set anchor
Thanks, Hal. I’ve updated the link.
what the Guild Of Evil might look like were David’s bar on the waves
I’m installing a variable gravity generator to achieve the same effect.
“These things exist.”
Cannot unsee!
You have my undivided attention.
Of course a review is in order.
Thank you for the Doctor Who theme link. Amazing what they could do with electronic equipment back before the days of PCs.
Forbidden Planet was 60 years ago.
Thank you for the Doctor Who theme link.
Ephemerised some years ago and somewhat related.
“Undivided attention”
I bet the dog licking the cake wouldn’t tell you if it didn’t like it after not eating it.
They’re like that.
Thank you Hal. The second one only needs Buster Keaton sidestepping a grand piano to be a silent classic.
My comment seems a little thought disordered. Soz.
Meant to say I bet it wouldn’t tell you it licked it.
Speaking of that impartial media. See also this.
I don’t know if this was posted before….
Not really that far from how I imagined Everyday Feminist staff.
Re: The Visual Effects Oscar
One of the clips is from a movie called The North Star, which is an unabashed bit of Soviet agitprop from the early ’50s or so. It’s about Ukrainian partisans fighting Germans but it spends the first half hour or so celebrating the joys of life on a collective farm outside Kiev. Think a socialist Fiddler on the Roof. Anyway, I saw the movie when I was a kid as it was on after school one day. Very scary for a ten year old inasmuch as the Germans take blood from the village children for transfusions for their war wounded, killing the kids in the process. Erich von Stroheim as the German doctor.
Anyway, one can watch the whole thing online here. Written by Lillian Hellman with music by Aaron Copeland of all people.
with music by Aaron Copeland of all people.
Sounds right up his alley, actually. He was, for much of his early life, an avowed communist, albeit from a safe distance.
“These things exist.”
That one really is a poser. Every woman on the planet can produce the same effect with sufficiently tight garments, and most try to avoid it, so the only purpose is to create the unwanted effect without the discomfort. Perhaps it has a place in bordellos, with transvestites, or some such, but then you have the issue of false advertising, so it really seems a solution in search of a problem.
The left’s template revealed:

A new cause of victimhood has been discovered:
Inviting “this oppressor” to give a commencement address is apparently an affront to “diversity.”
I don’t know if this was posted before….
Not really that far from how I imagined Everyday Feminist staff.
Pardon my grammar nazi, but shouldn’t the tweet at that link read:
Well, “Mike” in the replies noted this:
Anyone over 290 lbs is technically a “they”
“…protesting an upcoming visit by the Dalai Lama – claiming the Tibetan leader is “oppressive.”
>>facepalm<< The Left is truly "through the looking glass".
Not really that far from how I imagined Everyday Feminism staff.
What’s remarkable about such people – setting aside their physical attributes and ongoing struggles with logic – is the imperviousness to cliché, the failure to register the absurdity of their own utterly uniform affectations:
Almost every word here, every detail, is a cliché. And yet they imagine themselves as radical, subversive, iconoclastic.
“So you guys protest against Trump because he disrespects Muslims, blacks, Hispanics, LGBT.., but invites this oppresser [sic] to make a public speech?? The hypocrisy is appalling!”
…an alumni group based in Shanghai said UCSD will be breaching its ethos of “diversity” and will leave them “extremely offended and disrespected” if the Dalai Lama’s speech dips into the political.
There ya go. I have to wonder, how many of these “educated” Chinese will tell you with a straight face that the truly appalling and despicable ethnic cleansing of Tibet post-1949 never happened?
I’m so old, I can remember when Hollywood was pro-Tibet.
Speaking of “they”…
Chubby-chasers beware! This vixen is on the prowl.
This vixen is on the prowl.
Nice shoes.
I was trying to think of something kind to say.
Just reading about this in Forbes…
Any Yanks know what Bat Time/Bat Channel this is on, ’cause it sure sounds like it would be hell fun. Even more so than interpretive dance.
There ya go. I have to wonder, how many of these “educated” Chinese will tell you with a straight face that the truly appalling and despicable ethnic cleansing of Tibet post-1949 never happened?
Very highly recommended.
Quite simply, any movie of any of the Inspector Shan books would begin with a basic introductory title of Chinese Occupied Tibet, and then would pick through another batch of interlinked confirmation in utterly recurring detail.
“These things exist.”
Brush up your Shakespeare, everyone: these are female codpieces.
In the populist age of President Donald Trump – when CEOs are routinely hauled to Washington and browbeaten on live television
As if grandstanding Senators never did this.
Fuck Charles Schumer.
These things exist.
I really must learn to click “private browsing” on Safari before I start browsing through Friday Ephemera. There’s always something.
I really must learn to click “private browsing” on Safari before I start browsing through Friday Ephemera.
Hey, I’m bringing you the wonders of the world.
Hey, I’m bringing you the wonders of the world.
Indeed. And it’s hilarious, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. But explaining my browsing history to my wife, well, she has her concerns. 🙂
“These Things Exist”
Put one in the back of your underwear. It will makes your butt look really tight.
Brush up your Shakespeare, everyone: these are female codpieces.
If she says your behaviour is heinous…
But explaining my browsing history to my wife, well, she has her concerns. 🙂
Make her kinky enough to join you here. 🙂
(You’ll be sleeping on the couch now, won’t you….)
All done with a balloon, paper, and a little bit of glue:
An interesting musing on the dysfunction so popular on the left these days… may dovetail with Tim Newman’s polyamory observations:
Well, that was certainly interesting, and confirms what I have suspected for a long time, having witnessed bits and pieces of it from time to time. Makes me wonder how many of the contributors to Everyday Feminism secretly love to be tied up and abused.
It’s possible I shouldn’t admit this in public, but this thing here made me laugh.
That piece is easily the most pertinent – and acutely well written – commentary I’ve ever read. There are takeaways, naturally.
1. The right is largely ostensible. It’s slept through a hundred complacent years while deceiving itself that is has a voice or an impact. Are there exceptions? Of course there are but exceptions prove rules. The right is impotent. Worse, the right is frequently progressive.
2. Displaced by the diversions of its own pointless culture-signalling and ineffectual complaining, among the right’s most troubling blind spots is the nature of simple evil. Somehow the right thinks that giving the left a voice is fair and tolerant and arguing with it isn’t codependency. This is exactly how you lose a century.
3. Cultural Marxism, as the presumably somewhat civilized or intellectualized movement the right cannot see a-politically – for it is a dysfunction that’s co-opted a political alignment and not a valid, representative structural ideology in the usual sense – is the rot enumerated in that column and more. It is it’s usual intolerance and force, theft and moral inversion, but it is also coercion, extortion, violence, theft, projection and clinical splitting.
But here’s the thing: It aims to overthrow western values, which is to say it actively seeks to terminate The Enlightenment’s principles and virtues and with them – although not necessarily as a conscious corollary – at least one whole race.
4. This cancer is propped up by many of the causes the ostensible right itself supports. It must figure this out. Now.
If you take nothing away from that piece know that it acutely identifies the usual manifestations of what you thought or think is a weird but mostly passive or ineffective subset of purported civilization that have precisely zero tolerance for your existence and that, at its present rate and by its current tactics, are forcing you to choose. They are not giving you an option because they cannot give you an option. They do not even know who they are; can you reasonably expect them to honor who you are?
This isn’t a problem that a handful of opportune candidates have stemmed. This is a constant war for culture. Yours.
That piece is required reading.
An interesting musing on the dysfunction so popular on the left these days
I’m going to bang my drum again and point out that this kind of flip-flopping between decrying abusive father figures and actively seeking them out is archetypical BPD behaviour. They hate their father for abandoning or abusing them, but they’re still desperate for his love. Repeat ad nauseam.
I suspect that the primary reason it’s so much more common now is that the disintegration of the traditional family means orders of magnitude more women growing up in homes without fathers, and/or more vulnerable to sexual abuse by stepfathers, foster fathers or mother’s boyfriends.
Also why the right has lost:
All true but not far enough: What gave any of this rot the right to do what it did? Complacency and more importantly, a sense of liberty so diminished it virtually disappeared. Oh, it remained on in popular narrative like the empty slogan it’s become, but it took stripping the average mind of its realization of the nature of simple meddling force to allow this trend to reach peak oppression.
It’s not that the left trampled baseball and apple pie; that’s a passive complaint after the fact. There’s no protective baseball and apple pie clause nor should there be one. It’s that the right never prevented its force. At best each of those institutions was erected, one by one and in a sea of self-reinforcing positive feedback, against mild complaining at the time. At worst nobody lifted a finger.
The political right was lazy and it was all but completely diverted when it did speak, becoming, as it’s been noted many times, just a slower-motion version of the left, adopting its progressive positions anyway after a period of about twenty years.
Worse, that the political right lived in such a state of fear of the media, academia, etc. that they joined forces with the latter in ridiculing those who dared question what was going on in the media, academia, etc. These elites, many of whom had never accomplished much themselves besides simply Being Old Money and Noblesse Oblige, were/are thus too insecure to go against the status quo.
Couldn’t wait a whole week, sorry.
I think they’ve inadvertently discovered the cause of police racism.
It’s the targets, you see.
@SumDumGuy: That ludicrous claim has been around for a while. And yet, if the targets were blue or green, the claim would be that the color effects a dehumanization – encouraging cops to shoot at human shapes without considering their humanity.
Heads they win, tails you lose… as long as their rules are respected.