Victoria Stroup reports a harrowing turn of events at Edgewood College, Madison, Wisconsin:

Staff from the student conduct, human resources, Title IX, and diversity offices were brought together so they could decide how to respond to the “hateful message.” According to [Vice President for Student development, Tony] Chambers, “the group determined that the message constituted a hate crime, based on guidelines from the Jeanne Clery Act and state law.” He adds the group acted according to college policy and reported the incident to the Madison, Wisconsin Police Department, which is currently investigating it as a “hate crime,” and that it is also being investigated through the college’s Student Conduct Process.

The item deemed so incendiary and deserving of endless meetings and even police involvement? Amid post-election campus hysteria, some wag had left a pink Post-It note on a window, bearing four words: “Suck it up, pussies.”

No, really. That’s it

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