She Does All This For Us, You Know
As it’s Monday, I thought I’d cheer you with another chance to marvel at the mind-shattering talents of Ms Sandrine Schaefer, a performance artist whose adventures with lettuce and underwear have previously entertained us. Being as she is so fearless and uncompromising, her latest work entails,
A series of research based actions in public spaces that explore automated systems that are triggered by human movement.
Specifically, Ms Schaefer is filmed walking past automatic doors, repeatedly and radically, and much to the indifference of passers-by:
Says she:
Through this enquiry, I hope to discover new possibilities for collaborations with these everyday machines.
So there’s that to look forward to.
A longer and even more thrilling video featuring the artist’s “research” with taps and hand dryers can be savoured below:
Ms Schaefer, who teaches performance art to those less gifted than herself, has been described by the senior curator at the Boston Institute of Contemporary Art as “amazing,” “compelling” and yet inexplicably “underfunded.”
I spoil you, I really do.
Through this enquiry, I hope to discover new possibilities for collaborations with these everyday machines.
For part three will she cause a massive queue at the self-service checkout?
Over 1,000 views now? There must be some sad demand for OCD porn.
I think that’s you lot. Hey, I’m not judging.
And then of course there’s this.
This is art? I am not surprised she is underfunded. I would be shocked if she was funded at all.
They snickered at Picasso and Duchamps too. This woman will be respected one day, mark my words!
It’s an iron rule of economics that subsidy creates more of something but at a lower quality.
Looks like we’ve discovered the level of subsidy whereby zero quality is created.
“Defining what we even mean by ‘quality’ can be frustratingly elusive.” Which, when you think about it, is a major problem, one that our executive director doesn’t appear to have solved. And one that apparently warrants scare quotes around the word quality.
The importance of this definitional problem cannot really be underestimated. It influences the style of pedagogy present at the highest and lowest levels of art education. If you cannot define quality (or success) you cannot suitably define the lack thereof, and “teaching” art becomes little more than a game. I know not all art schools and local committees are so bad that they cannot respect simple boundaries, but it has gotten bad enough that we have to tolerate the Schaefers of the world sponging public money on a regular basis.
banal drek
This could be a photo from the school I attended, but we didn’t have vertical blinds. The artwork has exactly the same overall effect yet. There’s a lot there but nothing draws you in.
“for collaborations with these everyday machines…..” what about this,
or this
OK Go is brilliant. I’ll buy a record or 2 just to reward them for that video.
Her preoccupation with the automatic doors is because they daily exceed her contribution to society and purpose of xer existence all for a fraction of the cost.
Smoke me a kipper I’ll be back for breakfast.
Related. A friend of mine posted a link to this on Facebook, without irony. “On Being An Unemployed Arts Graduate”.
You might like it David. Personally, my eyes glaze over reading this kind of stuff.
Between her and Hirundo rustica, I’ll gladly take the door-opening birds.
They at least build useful things (nests) and benefit society (eating truckloads of bugs).
Compared to this, however, she’s actually quite sane:
Ah, the art world; adding support columns in the basement of Andres Serrano.
That is wormhole deep man….
Thanks for that link, banner – not. Should’ve come with a trigger warning. Reading that is a bit like popping a soft-centred chocolate into one’s mouth, only to find shit on the inside.
You’re right – my bad.
Could have been worse though, if she’d delivered it in person she’d have been spraying flecks of spittle in your face such would have been the force of her enraged passions.