“I was gonna put it in a box.” // Iceland, baby. (h/t, Mick) // Baby cage, circa 1930s. // Cliff-edge swing for maximum thrills. // Swing of a different type. Comes with lube and “love mask.” // Miss Sausage Queen, 1955. // Smart cups will judge you. // Eavesdropping gear. // Gourmet dehydrated meals for discernment on the go. // Koh Yao Noi. // Karen Carpenter’s voice. // What Vine is for. // For those who like their sweets in the form of a Zen rock garden. // Russian salt mining. // Switzerland’s timber bridges, all 1055 of them. (h/t, MeFi) // Bald animals. // Neighbourhood peacocks. // Dark Central Park. // “Coffee in extreme conditions.” // And finally, for the ever-so-slightly obsessive, roam the Enterprise-D with PixelTrek

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