Kyukyoku!! Hentai Kamen!” Oh yes, it’s real. (h/t, Simen) // Hong Kong inflatables. // Kittens and fish. // Finger tripods for eating messy food. // Paper birds. // Animated atoms. // These nanoparticles are assembling themselves in real time. // Science and bogies, together at last. // The best bit of Iron Man 3. // New York 360. //Further to this, Batman villains reimagined as 1920s mugshots. // A cathode-ray TV and a magnet. // Films and their colour palettes. //Films with smoking in them (and how much). (h/t, Chris Snowdon) // Do not screw with Helen Mirren. // “Women who wear revealing clothing are to blame for earthquakes.” // Panama City murals. // The newspaper’s long goodbye. // Liu Bolin is difficult to see. (h/t, Andrew Grichting) // Indoor clouds. (h/t, Dr Westerhaus) // How much cocaine could you fit inside your body? No, the other end. 

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