Friday Ephemera
Burn your guitars, the Optron has arrived. // All hail Mothra! Incomprehensible happenings in Japan. // Dr Manhattan’s penis is discussed at length. Oh, and the rest of the film too. // They come in peace, in puffer jackets. // Your very own Sarah Palin. // In unrelated news… // The Spirit. Ghostly cop, unruly dames. // The boombox backpack. // Styrobot. // The 2” cube PC. // Radar consoles we have known and loved. // Defunct spacecraft versus atmosphere. (h/t, Dr Westerhaus) // Space, as seen on TV. // Colours of the Moon. // Procrastination flowchart. (h/t, Coudal) // Moscow Zoo, 1920. // The photography of Josef Hoflehner. // And, via The Thin Man, it’s Mr Shawn Lee and his Ping Pong Orchestra.
“It was done in Quick Time. We would scroll the length up and down… It wasn’t so much about taking any inches off. It was more about how many times you get to see him.”
Decisions, decisions…
It’s the idea of these very involved meetings about the precise dimensions of a blue CG penis. Hollywood, eh? The fun never stops.
The procrastination flowchart owes a fair amount to the OuLiPo writer, Georges Perec, who constructed one about how to ask for a pay rise.
Looks like there’s lots of raving at the Watchmen preview. Plus it’s got a big blue wang. Score!
The Ping Pong Orchestra is awesome. 🙂
The SAGE system (and its light-gun enabled consoles) was awesome. It seemed to be a proto-Internet set up for hemisphere air defense. I wonder what the Soviets had at the time. 1950s/60s computing at its finest.
The Moscow Zoo photos are charming – but the last two are not from 1920. The next-to-last is probably the 1930s, and the last is definitely the 50s or 60s. Just sayin’…