Friday Ephemera
The situation did not improve. || Peekaboo with impunity. || Snack accepted. || Caught off guard. || Urge detected. || With magnets and cold aluminium. || A compilation of mishaps, near misses, and motorized morons. || And another. || Scenic route. || I expect your answers by the end of the day. || Dad skillz deployed. || He does this… er, pretty well, actually. || How to impress your friends. || How to impress your friends 2. || Playing with propane. || Invisible chair. || High anxiety. || And yes, he did survive. || Today’s words are hostage video. || How to confuse honeybees. || How to make a slightly bouncy egg. || Speaking of bouncing. || And finally, if you want all the bouncing, I can only offer you this.
I then brought up this debating championship video that I had just seen. Several people scoffed at me. None of whom possessed the intellectual curiosity to actually check it out.
Is it possible they already knew quite well what you were talking about (and approved) and were just gaslighting you?
She wore the same burnt-orange jacket in two separate episodes
While I realize nerds generally have trouble with distinguishing between fantasy and reality, surely “actors don’t choose what they wear on set, that’s the costumer’s job” isn’t so had for them to grasp?
there are just some things you just gotta let go.
Seems like a self-correcting problem.
I don’t think these people understand what ‘manly’ means
See, I parsed that entirely wrong and thought they meant wedding bands. Admittedly the notion of having the Justice League play the wedding march as you stroll down the aisle isn’t better.
A model and a fashion designer.
Is it possible they already knew quite well what you were talking about (and approved) and were just gaslighting you?
You mean like you’re trying to do now? Or are you completely unaware that smart people, smaaaart people, especially back in 2014, get/got their news from reliable sources like PBS? Reliable news sources that wouldn’t touch such stories that might hurt the Narrative? How could they/would they even want to know such things? We’re talking middle level engineering managers at large multinational government contract defense corporations here. People with kids in braces and with scholarships obtained through the company. And big houses. And cars. Boats even. Or ex-wives. Not many but a few.
While I realize nerds generally have trouble with distinguishing between fantasy and reality, surely “actors don’t choose what they wear on set, that’s the costumer’s job” isn’t so had for them to grasp?
After posting I realized I should have clarified…I don’t know if they are still shooting BBT but the clothing thing was in the context of her hosting Jeopardy. I generally would not expect the true BBT nerd fans to care, no.
Progressive retail experience, part 426.
From a tweet on the part 426 story:
Somewhat similar to my former coworkers who lacked the curiosity to verify what I was telling them about our universities and debating teams and such…I find it bizarre and yet at the same time no surprise that most people don’t understand that store employees, especially at big name/big box stores are trained to NOT stop shoplifters. This has been true for well over a dozen years now. Why should anyone at this point be surprised to hear such a thing? Unless…
A model and a fashion designer.
And I thought Jamie Wallis was just an MP.
Plato, never around to answer the hard questions.
See, I parsed that entirely wrong and thought they meant wedding bands.
I had thought for a moment of altering “bands” to “rings”. Should have done so.
You mean like you’re trying to do now? Or are you completely unaware that smart people, smaaaart people, especially back in 2014, get/got their news from reliable sources like PBS? Reliable news sources that wouldn’t touch such stories that might hurt the Narrative?
You are correct that “smart” people usually get their news from grossly biased sources, but I have also run into some highly educated leftists who do indeed know what’s really going on and lie endlessly to support the narrative.
I don’t know if they are still shooting BBT
Must not be, because I keep seeing ads for some new show starring one of the BBT actresses.
A model and a fashion designer.
The number of people out there who are trapped inside their delusions is disheartening.
Progressive retail experience, part 426.
From the link: “I never thought I would reporting about criminal hordes sacking and pillaging in the great cities of the United States, but here we are.”
The situation has been developing (deteriorating) for decades, but somehow I too did not quite expect unchecked looting and pillaging. We need a sea change in liberal attitudes towards crime. And decent humans’ attitudes towards liberals.
I have also run into some highly educated leftists who do indeed know what’s really going on and lie endlessly to support the narrative.
True, but these were establishment-friendly conservatives…”conservatives” who for the most part are financially and emotionally incentivized to believe the Narrative. Or to be highly suspicious of information coming from outside the Narrative. Especially the conservative…”conservative” Narrative.
True, but these were establishment-friendly conservatives…
I am sadly familiar with such “conservatives”.
employees, especially at big name/big box stores are trained to NOT stop shoplifters. This has been true for well over a dozen years now
Because, at most of the stores there were to be staff trained (mostly plain clothed) to spot and detain petty thieves. And most of those thieves came in singly or with just another person. Say, a couple of moms with strollers who hid stuff under the kids, or a guy with a booster bag.
Yeah, once in a while there were the gang of teens who hit a rack of clothes next to the door that opened into the parking lot … but then the mall’s big anchor stores stopped putting those racks next to the door & made sure at least one security person was close to those doors.
“Smash-and-grab” was something that usually happened at small, stand-alone jewelry stores — many responded by putting in sally port entrances.
What you have is that training hasn’t changed but that there is a lot more organized theft that has no fear of security. They come in as a swarm and are much more violent in response to anyone that dare try and stop them. They aren’t stealing for “momma needs a new pair of shoes” but as a business. A lot of this merchandise ends up on eBay or Amazon 3rd party sellers. It is a business that makes a lot of money for the criminal gangs.
It’s similar to porch pirates and mail theft. If/when caught, it is usually traced back to a house or storage space packed with boxes.
The *criminal reform* ilk would have you still believe people only engage in property theft because of “need” and we should feel sorry for them and not hold them responsible.
The *criminal reform* ilk would have you still believe people only engage in property theft because of “need” and we should feel sorry for them and not hold them responsible.
Not only should we hold the criminals responsible, we should also hold the “criminal reform” people responsible.
This plays back to our society’s general, slow decline in standards of expected behavior. No-such-thing-as-a-slippery-slope be damned. None of this is hard. The problem is exactly what Ronald Reagan said 40+ years ago,
“We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”
But of course, as Darleen says, well here we are. I still haven’t gotten over the incident three weeks ago when a local cop told me to lock my door, close my shades (which I don’t have or really need), retreat with my dinner to the back of my house, and call 911 if some idiot solicitor refuses to leave my doorstep when asked repeatedly to do so. Everything must be handled by Big Brother, who of course will maybe get around to it depending on the priorities of the moment.
We recently had some teenage boys cause a daylight ruckus at our pool. Tossed things around, pool furniture in pool used to build a diving platform, locked ladies’ bathroom stall from the inside, etc. We have video and pool fob number but unsure of the address. One board member wants to take “legal action”. While I think that this situation such would be overkill (though I was surprised by who it was that suggested it), I also have ZERO desire to speak to anyone in our law enforcement community right now as I don’t think I can keep my cool long enough. We just turned off the key fob for the pool gate, which is as far as I want to take it. My contempt for our legal system grows with every incident.
Not only should we hold the criminals responsible, we should also hold the “criminal reform” people responsible.
Ah, but remember, if you’d just let armed robbers prey on you, and prey on your neighbours, then the robbers wouldn’t get hurt. The wellbeing of habitually criminal vermin being a priority, apparently.
Likewise, we mustn’t forget the Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender, who wants us to know that a dislike of having one’s home invaded by sociopathic predators, and having the lives of one’s family put in serious, possibly mortal danger, “comes from a place of privilege.”
And we’ve been told with great certainty that burglary is “really quite inconsequential,” unworthy of punishment, and that anger at being burgled and the subsequent sense of violation are trivial, plebeian and unsophisticated. Such that expectations of lawfulness and justice – and not being preyed upon, repeatedly, with impunity – are airily dismissed as “idiotic attitudes.”
These, then, are the woke saints who would guide us to the light.
then the robbers wouldn’t get hurt.
Some idiot on an airplane picked a fight with Mike Tyson a couple days ago. Iron Mike Tyson. Former Heavyweight Champion of the World. Tyson eventually belted the guy. Of course the “grown ups” say he should have let the (105 lbs? Female?) flight attendant handle it. AGAIN, there is something deeply disturbingly wrong with this society. A former heavyweight champ cannot travel on an airplane without being harassed? More than just the “criminal reform” people need to be held responsible. Our entire legal, police, and political system, amongst many, many others, must be held responsible. Yet I can almost guarantee, in fact I’m certain it is happening today, honest people who simply fight back are in more legal, economic, and social danger than the criminal scum.
And needless to say, I could do this all day.
See pretty much anything tagged “Those poor darling…”
And his news feed shrank by half.
We are living in the end times.
Some background on what the “indigenous astronomy” discussed here a while back is all about:
“indigenous astronomy”
[ Rolls eyes ]
…”indigenous astronomy”…
“…memorized all the visible objects…”
I would suggest using yte juju like a calandar, but I am sure that is racist.
“…indigenous sky sovereignty…” Just give it a fargin rest already.
the Gamilaraay and Wiradjuri peoples of New South Wales observe the Emu in the Sky to gauge when it is time to hunt for emu eggs
is the author saying that they are unable to tell the difference between their Great Sky Emu and satellites? Horrors!
I would suggest using yte juju like a calandar, but I am sure that is racist.
Everything good and useful is racist. Everything bad and useless is progressive.
Indigenous sovereignty
That is a shibboleth deserving of more mockery. The Muppet Show gave us Pigs in Space so maybe it’s time for Savages in Space.
“…memorized all the visible objects…”

C’mon man! They’ve obviously got the technology to track satellites.
C’mon man! They’ve obviously got the technology to track satellites.
Maybe we shouldn’t sneer at those cargo cults. After all, the West has millions of liberals who think that building nice houses for ghetto punks will turn them into middle class citizens.
After all, the West has millions of liberals who think that building nice houses for ghetto punks will turn them into middle class citizens.
Where I live, substitute indigenous peoples for ghetto punks. And liberals can’t understand why there are boil water orders on the reservations where the council is driving Escalades, living in multi-million dollar homes with four or five big screen TVs. Chief Big Screen TV is more than just satire. A band council which has been screwing over its people for decades recently lost a court decision. Good luck finding that decision with google.
Here’s an article which requires a very specific search criteria to find. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
indigenous astronomy
“For example, many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures have no concept of ‘outer space’.”
It seems kind of mean to not tell them.
The last time that any yte people lived in huts and practiced indigenous astronomy was 1600. No white people are living in the stone age. None. Anywhere. So strange–how can we explain it?
After all, the West has socialism, which itself is a cargo cult. As I’ve long said. Think about it. As with Stalin, they seize the means of production but since they did not produce those means, they only know how to (or think they know how to) go through the motions the capitalist producers went through before being chased off.
As with Stalin, they seize the means of production but since they did not produce those means, they only know how to (or think they know how to) go through the motions the capitalist producers went through before being chased off.
Never fear, comrade: All they need is bigger computers and the Glorious World of Next Tuesday will dawn.
Where I live, substitute indigenous peoples for ghetto punks. And liberals can’t understand why there are boil water orders on the reservations
Not sure if I’ve mentioned it here, but I once knew a city health inspector who had endless stories about clashes with “ethnic” restaurant and food cart operators who thought that all those sanitation and food safety rules were “white people bullshit” whose only purpose was to oppress the brown people.
No white people are living in the stone age.
Close enough.
the “indigenous astronomy” discussed here a while back
For those who missed it, I’ll just leave this here.
How would the Gamilaraay know when to stop collecting eggs, or when to conduct annual ceremonies signalled by the Celestial Emu, if it was no longer visible?
They could put up some trilithons, but that would require them to have invented the wheel first.
There are 358 First Nations under custom governance codes across the country
” You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
“Even if it came from someone they never heard right-wing paranoia nutjob stuff from before.”
There’s been a lot of that lately.
“Maybe we shouldn’t sneer at those cargo cults. After all, the West has millions of liberals who think that building nice houses for ghetto punks will turn them into middle class citizens.”
And that sending 50%… no, wait… update coming through… 70% of the population to university will turn us into Japan. If Tony Blair’s so smart, why doesn’t he learn from his mistakes?
College: lots of people are not smart enough or focused enough or don’t have a goal to get anything out of college except debt. It is conventional wisdom gone wrong.