Friday Ephemera
Why ducks don’t rule the Earth. || Unloading. || The thrill of archery. || Third time’s a charm. || He does this better than you do. || That’s exactly how I would’ve done it. || Do let her know if you have any questions. || How to make Nordic Gold. || How to make green fire. || And it fits the hand perfectly. || Kind of Bloop, with apologies to Miles Davis. || If the Doctor Who theme were Belgian jazz. || “Get bent,” she said. || She’s sending you blessings. || She does this better than you do. || Squid egg sac detected. || Japanese custom cars. || Adjusting ear orientation. || Just how low can you go? || If you like that kind of thing. || Thrilling scenes. || And finally, please update your files and lifestyles accordingly.
Oh, and a reminder that I now have a Gettr account.
She’s sending you blessings.
One of her ladies who doesn’t think you are ready for jelly.
Unloading: Illegal in Moscow. Ok in San Francisco.
She’s sending you blessings.
I guess since they closed down Marine World….
Please pray for Joy Behar as she suffers in these trying times.
If the Doctor Who theme were Belgian jazz
Any excuse to post this.
The Belgian jazz improved my day the most.
Is the coat a TARDIS?
Morning, all.
[ Fondles coffee mug. ]
Is the coat a TARDIS?
You almost have to admire the expertise. Not her first rodeo, clearly.
The Belgian jazz improved my day the most.
Well, it’s funny, and clever, and it reminds me of a time when Doctor Who could be thought of as charmingly hokey, something to regard with a kind of slightly fond contempt, rather than… what it is now.
“Get bent,” she said.
Someone needs firing.
Someone needs firing.
Well, she’s correct in the narrow sense that any, say, curriculum changes or changes in policy would generally come top-down, with parents using political and bureaucratic channels – though I very much doubt that our sneering teacher would approve, even then. But not every parent will know how to go about that, and their concerns may require immediate attention from someone directly involved. Or they may simply want to ask how to go about complaining or alerting a relevant party. I doubt these variables are unknown to our self-satisfied educator.
And behold the teacher’s conceit, the self-flattery, and the open disdain for the parents whose children she teaches. And so, she tells concerned parents – who may have every reason to be concerned – to “get bent,” and brags that she doesn’t answer to them, while displaying precisely the kind of attitude that any conscientious parent may find troubling and inapt.
The video should be enough to get her fired, especially if the parents band together.
The video should be enough to get her fired, especially if the parents band together.
It’s worth bearing in mind that such attitudes – which are proudly expressed to peers via social media – don’t exist in a vacuum. They aren’t one-off aberrations. They suggest a culture, a common sense of entitlement. A common disdain.
And such things only stop, or are reduced in prevalence, when there’s a cost attached.
She’s sending you blessings
I appreciate motivational ephemera, such as this, to remind me why leading a healthy life style is the best choice.
Not unrelated:
If the Doctor Who theme were Belgian jazz
That one cracked me up. 😀
That one cracked me up.
If you poke about on YouTube, you’ll find other Bill Bailey renderings of famous theme tunes, including a Jewish folk-song version of the theme from Match of the Day, and a Jamaican dub-reggae reworking of Downton Abbey.
They suggest a culture, a common sense of entitlement. A common disdain.
Exactly this. Which is why the memes floating around about how hard it is to be a teacher and how much they suffer disgust me. 95% of the difficulties of teaching have been brought on by the profession itself either actively like with this creature or tacitly by not standing up for teachers who tried to do the right thing or even just do their job.
In my high school we had a math teacher who taught the more math-challenged. I was never his student but heard the stories. He was a WWII war vet and he was known as “Shaky Joe”. The guy had PTSD, or as it was more simply called back then, shell shock. During his lessons a kid would take a text book, make a Doppler effect whistling sound and then slam the book on their desk. Joe would hit the deck and al the kiddies would have a good laugh. The subject came up once when as kids we were talking with a faculty member. As I had never heard another teacher speak of this situation yet it was well repeated amongst the students, I hustled up the courage to say how wrong it was. The faculty member corrected my thinking by saying that Joe shouldn’t be teaching anyway. This was one of my first indications that the majority of people around me were pathetic cowards.
Why ducks don’t rule the earth
Omg, don’t do that too me, I had a really tough week. To sit here, with my wine and witness that level of drama is too much. I don’t care about the disclaimer btw.
To sit here, with my wine and witness that level of drama is too much.
The last one seemed to jump in just because the others had done. A sort of, “Oh bugger it” moment.
[ Tries to prise glass of wine out of Felicity’s grip. ]
I’m gonna need two big lads and a crowbar. Bring lube.
Kind of Bloop, with apologies to Miles Davis.
*blood boils*
*blood boils*
Heh. On the upside, it did prompt me to dig out the final track from Sketches of Spain, an album I hadn’t played in ages.
[Tries to prise glass of wine out of Felicity’s grip.]
I’m gonna need two big lads and a crowbar. Bring lube.
Seriously dude, they will be cold dead hands if you manage to prise the wine. Don’t care how many or how big your lads are (or how much lube).
Did remind me of the nursery rhyme: “Five little ducks went out one day”.
Bring lube.
Band name.
Also band name, Two big lads and a crowbar
Is the coat a TARDIS? Are you kidding me? You can’t say that! A kind person would say, ‘Is the coat a mentally-challengedis’? Please enjoy the remainder of your day.
How low can you go? The preacher had probably already fleeced her for what he could and then it was their turn.
Why ducks don’t rule the Earth.
Just as well, since as we all know ducks are evil.
It’s worth bearing in mind that such attitudes – which are proudly expressed to peers via social media – don’t exist in a vacuum. They aren’t one-off aberrations. They suggest a culture, a common sense of entitlement. A common disdain.
That cannot be said too often.
95% of the difficulties of teaching have been brought on by the profession itself either actively like with this creature or tacitly by not standing up for teachers who tried to do the right thing or even just do their job.
I agree, but would maintain that a significant percent of the difficulties are the fault of leftist factions other than the teaching establishment. For instance, the “do not punish criminals” activists and the “minorities can do no wrong/minorities should have everything just handed to them” ideologues, who have do a lot to make schools chaotic and unsafe for teachers and students.
Double post! 🙁
David, could you please delete the duplicate comment?
My finger twitched on the “Post” button, which is how this happened.
[ Brow furrows.]
Are such involuntary muscle movements a sign of impeding zombiehood?
[ Posts comment and hits refresh again. ]
And the duplicate comment is gone. David is moving fast today.
chef who lost weight: guys say “I have 5 friends and you are 4 of them” to their big friend, and maybe the truth motivates him. Women insist their friends look great even though shaped like a beach ball. Feelings over truth.
Band name: Bring Lube
First Album: Two Big Lads and a Crowbar
First hit single: Get Bent
guys say “I have 5 friends and you are 4 of them” to their big friend, and maybe the truth motivates him. Women insist their friends look great even though shaped like a beach ball. Feelings over truth.
That is a recurring meme. (Via Critical Drinker.)
ducks are evil
The author of that treatise, judging by his name, presumably had a ready source of oranges.
Bond, James Bobd, they/them.
So true, so true, Ukraine is George Floyd.
Meanwhile, an interesting take. By interesting I of course mean “demented”.
Two big lads and a crowbar
Probably against the Band Name Game rules, but as rigmarole kinda broke the ice I like:
Band name: Two Big Guys
Live venue: The Crow Bar
Two Big Guys And The Crowbars (backing band)
And behold the teacher’s conceit, the self-flattery, and the open disdain for the parents
They suggest a culture, a common sense of entitlement. A common disdain.
There are two groups of people I do not take seriously as a matter of course: teachers and nurses. Overwhelmingly female, overwhelmingly unionized, overwhelmingly entitled; their members chose those professions for the prestige and authority over the vulnerable that adhere to the position rather than the ability of the individual.
I agree, but would maintain that a significant percent of the difficulties are the fault of leftist factions other than the teaching establishment.
The Gramscian “long march through the institutions” starts with academe. It’s the root of the rot.
Women insist their friends look great even though shaped like a beach ball. Feelings over truth.
It’s almost like there are sex-linked differences in psychology that evolved from differing reproductive strategies.
Is Floyd going to be the political equivalent of Harry Potter for dipshit millenials?
Crowbar actually was a Canadian band most known for the song “Oh, What a Feeling (What a rush)”.
Crowbar the (Canadian) band (because there’s an American Crowbar too). Oh What a Feeling, great tune from back in the day.
It’s almost like there are sex-linked differences in psychology that evolved from differing reproductive strategies.
[ earsplitting blast from the Wrongthink klaxon ]
Women insist their friends look great even though shaped like a beach ball. Feelings over truth.
Related meme: Women tell each other that they look/are great, and then talk trash behind their backs, while men do the reverse.
Crowbar actually was a Canadian band most known for the song “Oh, What a Feeling (What a rush)”.
Great minds think alike. I didn’t see your post until after I posted.

There is an interesting aside about weight. For men, being bigger actually has advantages. You do, as a man, generally get stronger with size unless you are a true couch potato. You also have more intimidation power. So from the male strategy POV, big is not so bad (psychologically) though of course you still get diabetes. There is no comparable advantage for women.
I didn’t see your post until after I posted.
I think that also happened another time recently.
Maybe we are unknowing clones or something. Or just both in Montreal, so the brainwaves are in range.
For men, being bigger actually has advantages
Well, that’s true for height, up to a point. Being taller means longer limbs, which means greater reach and leverage for running and throwing spears. Past the upper end of 6 feet, though, the cube-square law starts to bite you on the ass.
Men’s muscle development is different from women’s, carrying around excess flab builds the muscle underneath (unless you’re completely sessile). Even at my heaviest I had legs like a competition bodybuilder.
That said, height is more intimidating than width. John Goodman can be convincingly intimidating. John Pinette, not so much.
Is Floyd going to be the political equivalent of Harry Potter for dipshit millennials?
No. Harry Potter is the Harry Potter for dipshit millennials (and far too many GenXers who should know better). Floyd is the JFK assassination of every generation after the Boomers and maybe 9/11 for GenY and GenderYnot.
Damn Italicans strike again!
[ Fixes overflow of italics, points to big neon sign. ]

Well, that’s true for height, up to a point. Being taller means longer limbs, which means greater reach and leverage for running and throwing spears. Past the upper end of 6 feet, though, the cube-square law starts to bite you on the ass.
Yes, up to a point. Few direct male confrontations/interactions, even going back into history, gave the tall guy that spear-advantage. In a war situation surely most of those guys would be in the back somewhere. The guys in the phalanx, especially the front of it, would be more of the sturdy types. In direct physical confrontation, minus the spear…though in a knife fight…but I digress…the taller guy needs to have some degree of heft to him or he gets knocked on his ass. This was partly what I was getting at when someone mentioned the 6′ 10″ guy on the airplane. He stands out in any crowd and is thus, if not also somewhat muscular or heavy, is a mark for a smaller guy to look tough by intimidating.
|| Adjusting ear orientation. ||
I was honestly expecting some footage from a barber shop.
For men, being bigger actually has advantages.
Every now and then somebody posts a video of a smallish female police officer struggling unsuccessfully to subdue a combative offender. Sigh.
smallish female police officer struggling unsuccessfully to subdue a combative offender
The Roundhouse-Kicking Cop Chick Action Girl stereotype is dangerous. It culminates in women getting their skulls fractured by men because they were told there was no difference.
Few direct male confrontations/interactions, even going back into history, gave the tall guy that spear-advantage.
Um, yeah, that’s pretty much never been true.
smallish female cop: great video of 3 female cops trying to arrest a drunk guy, maybe sweden. No luck at all. He just kept swatting them away until a male cop showed up. Indeed dangerous to believe the movies. Hawaii 5-O has a tiny female cop who we are supposed to believe kicks ass on bad guys.
Let us imagine in historical times or today on the street without a gun involved and you personally get in a dispute with a guy who is your height but outweighs you by 50 lbs. Would you not think twice before throwing a punch? Does a crowd move out of the way of the skinny guy or the 300lb guy? QED
m, yeah, that’s pretty much never been true.
I’m saying he didn’t have the spear advantage, not that he may or may not have had an advantage. People generally didn’t walk around with a spear.
Watching street fight videos has been an education in how fights go down outside of Hollywood.
If you’re trained to hit and be hit, you stand a better chance of winning.
That’s not the lesson (that’s expected), it’s how easily you can be dropped. No matter how big you are, if someone taps you on the right spot, you’re going down like a Rock ’em Sock ’em Robot (which don’t actually fall; their heads sprang up, but you get what I mean).
This observation lends support to the advice that the best way to engage in a street fight is through Nike-Fu a.k.a. running the hell away.
the best way to engage in a street fight is through Nike-Fu
Second best is AR-kwan-do, as practiced by the Roof Korean community.
the best way to engage in a street fight is through Nike-Fu
Just for that comment, you should have changed your handle to “Uma Thurmond’s Nikes”.
One for our side.
Hawaii 5-O has a tiny female cop who we are supposed to believe kicks ass on bad guys.
My local televisual channel is so woke and wussified it actually broadcasts a trigger warning before it broadcasts Hawaii 5-O every day.
Hawaii 5-O.
Get Smart must render the millenial tossbags catatonic.
Ha ha, you’ve got to catch all the wymmins cop shows on Aussie TV at the moment. Armed only with a skirt and high heels they take down the bad guys with a swift handbag to the nuts or trip as they run away in fear of a good telling off. Mind you, some of them have to brush their hair afterwards so not exactly James Bond.
Taking a moment from her busy life to tell the world that she is a fatuous, narcissistic, dumb bint.
To be fair, you can find several security vids of women being mugged who beat the shit out of the mugger. Maybe it was the surprise maybe the technique, but don’t assume you can do that.
On the asian discrimination and general lowering of standards: it is funny that the same people never suggest that standards be lowered for sports or music. Interestingly, these were two of the key fields where blacks in America first broke the color barrier –because they could prove they could do the job.
Anybody watching or watched “Muster Dogs” from Australia ?
Over a year it follows the training of five Kelpie puppies from the same litter that have been sent off to different locations around Australia. I have watched two episodes so far and enjoyed it (don’t tell me how they end up). It is by the ABC, so there are traces of the usual (global warming, diversity etc) but it isn’t overwhelming.
“Uma Thurmond’s Nikes”.
Dam it!
The periodic table is white supremacy. The first two elements, when said in succession, actually mean Heil Hitler.
The periodic table is white supremacy. The first two elements, when said in succession, actually mean Heil Hitler.
Hydrogen Helium – H He? Why can’t it be a giggle? That would technically be He_2, though wouldn’t it…
Why is it all Hitler all the time with these people – it’s not like he killed any black or trans people.
/sarc and channeling Whoopi
Christ on rollerblades.
If you intend to grapple with someone, a low center of gravity with a certain amount of mass is what you need. Wrestlers look a certain way for a reason.
If you intend to punch someone using the clubs on the end of your arms (AKA fists), speed and reach are important. The former so that the fight doesn’t turn into a grappling contest, the latter so that the only damage you take is the pain of your fists hitting the opponent.
Before gunpowder was a thing, the tall skinny guys would probably be skirmishers. Longer arm can throw a spear further. Longer arm will cast a sling stone further. Longer legs means that you can run behind the heavy infantry quicker.
Someone needs firing.
And again, our gloating teacher thinks that her video will make her look good among her peers. This is how she expects to impress her fellow educators. Which rather suggests a bubble, a gulf in values, and an expectation of impunity.
Has the reality of conflict been a shock to your system ? Fear no more, NPR* is here with tips on coping self-care.
*(our BBC but without the occasional good show unless stolen from the BBC)
Fear no more, NPR* is here with tips on coping self-care.
And this may explain why some NPR hosts sound like they are heavily sedated or lobotomized.
Back at the terf wars, this charming young miss offers a cogent debate point about the definition of “woman”.
Christ on rollerblades.
Well the rollerblades might make Him appear taller…
Heh. NPR…Maybe this is the weekend that you finally re-create Grandpa’s famous lasagna. Yes. Grandpa’s. Boy if ever there was a famous family recipe for lasagna, it was the one we got from Grandpa. Who wasn’t Italian at all because that would be racist. I also remember GranUnicorn’s pork rub. Clownself was quite rightly proud of that.
“Well, it’s been a quiet week here in the Lake Wobegon Home for the Lobotomized…”
there are traces of the usual (global warming, diversity etc)
I’m not surprised any more to find subject-specific documentaries shoehorning in the usual.
Interesting documentary here where the snooker player Ronnie O’Sullivan tours America and tries out related games like pool and billiards. He’s got a star quality, he’s curious, he picks up very quickly on the tactical implications of the different rules. It’s a kind of diversity that’s interesting, as long as the documentary makers can stick to the subject.
But a documentary about billiards just has to take a detour to the slave museum and to Ellis Island, and Ronnie O’Sullivan has to be shown to be moved by the noble struggle of the Restaurant Americans, and open up about he himself would never have got to where he was now if not for his immigrant ancestors.
Two things he didn’t open up about: (1) Ireland has snooker halls and snooker world champions, so he might still have got to where he was if Grandpa O’Sullivan had stayed in the old country, and (2) his Irish father was jailed for murder and his Sicilian mother was jailed for tax evasion, so just maybe he should keep his mouth shut about how the staid United Kingdom was culturally enriched by the immigration of his ancestors,
“Kind of Bloop”
Ooh, Disasterpeace, of Fez soundtrack fame. Nice.
“If the Doctor Who theme were Belgian jazz.”
And I spotted Anne Dudley, of Art of Noise (and multiple movie soundtracks) fame in the background there. The orchestral arrangement certainly sounds like one of hers.
“Japanese custom cars.”
A stock Nissan Figaro is a pretty little thing, but I love the irreverence of that. And is that a genuine six-wheel Tyrrell P34 F1 car, or has someone come up with a kit for a Toyota Yaris?
See also Mitsuoka Motor. You may have to cover your eyes. (Although the “Rock Star”, their Corvette Stingray tribute based on a Mazda MX-5/Miata, is actually not too bad.)
“And this may explain why some NPR hosts sound like they are heavily sedated or lobotomized.”
It certainly goes a long way to explain why Putin thinks he can invade neighbouring countries with impunity.
“We were in the shit, you weren’t there, man.”
The Horror. The Horror..
The Horror. The Horror..
Ye flipping gods. One comment below the link tweet: “they want this to be their jan 6 so bad” – but our jan 6 wasn’t even anything. Hell Code Pink and co took over the Senate Chambers (or close to) during the Kavenaugh Supreme Court hearings, with nary a word about insurrections or domestic terrorism. Some guy from the RoP shoots up an army base, and Obama calls it “workplace violence”. Some people who claim to be anti-fascist and pro Burn Loot Murder burn down city blocks, beat up, shoot, kill people, including black people, and it’s “mostly peaceful protest”. It’s this double standard that scares the crap out of me, and angers me to no end.
I like this guy’s point:
How to not be taken seriously as a society.
Pronouns, obviously.
The Critical Drinker comments on Amazon’s forthcoming rape of Tolkienj.
Ace of Spades links to another commenter.
“Neighbors are disrespecting our vegan radius with raw flesh.”
meat-free radius
Band name.
The “Rings of Power” video featuring what the host called the “Fellowship of Influencers” is even more cringy when you see that Amazon filmed several versions of this, with different groups, in French, Spanish and German.
For maximum cringe, a YouTuber found all four of them and ran them simultaneously with his commentary.
Neighbors are disrespecting our vegan radius…
Seriously, what sort of barbarian would do that, everyone knows you only barbeque meat that is already cooked.

Idiots like that would make one want to get one of these and giant fans…
The “Rings of Power” video featuring what the host called the “Fellowship of Influencers”
Call them Wormtongues.
everyone knows you only barbeque meat that is already cooked
Vegans probably don’t know the difference between grilling and barbecuing. It’s all just “meat stuff”.
Idiots like that would make one want to get one of these and giant fans…
Heh, yes.
“Neighbors are disrespecting our vegan radius with raw flesh.”
I would have the Bradley smoker going 24/7 and I would be prepared to complain if I saw any sign of vegetables being tortured–the screams are horrible when they’re plunged into boiling water…the humanity. Vegetables are my food’s food.
everyone knows you only barbeque meat that is already cooked.
What an awesome rig!
What an awesome rig!
This would be better, but a bit impractical for a backyard.
The Critical Drinker comments on Amazon’s forthcoming rape of Tolkien.
We’ll never have white European countries again, our neighborhoods will be non-white, our grandchildren will be non-white, we’re fully committed to “representation” in our culture to redress our moral debt to non-whites, but can we just have an all-white adaptation for this particular book? Of course you can’t, and what’s the point? If a white nation is morally indefensible, then of course a white book adaptation is morally indefensible, even under the guise of being a grumpy old antiquitarian who doesn’t go in for this stuff about living traditions and constant reinvention. Besides, it’s deckchairs on the Titanic to fight for the book but to concede the loss of the nation. If you truly believe that your European nation now belongs as much to non-whites as to whites, then those non-whites the right o do as they see fit with “your” history and culture – you just said it isn’t yours, what are you complaining about now?
what are you complaining about now?
Wow, the video at the link is ratioed harder than the Rings trailer.
16K vs. 139K
16K vs. 139K
How do you see the downvotes?
meat-free radius
Band name.
First album: Raw Flesh
First hit single: Steak, Steak my Steak is Blue
Get with the narrative:-
“We wuz elvz ‘n dwarfz ‘n shiet”.
“We wuz elvz ‘n dwarfz ‘n shiet”.
I think it’s time for a hoax announcment of a movie featuring a blonde Cleopatra. In fact, why not make everyone in the Egyptian court blonde and blue-eyed? And throw in a delegation from Nubia who are red-haired with green eyes and freckles.
I am reminded of the following, from wiki no less, concerning the bbc attempted adaptation of Terry Pratchett’s discworld: –
Even before the series’ release it attracted a large amount of attention for departing too far from the books’ medieval origins, delving into “punk rock” visuals, changing the gender, personality, or origins of characters, and removing some characters completely