I fell for the Bucket Of Steam In The Basement while working as a young teen at a supermarket.
Heh. Not everyone would be happy to admit to these indignities.
First day on the job
I had that too. My father told me not to fall for that sort of thing – tartan paint, long weight, etc. So when someone asked me on my first day to go and get an “air ambulance”… Long story short, let’s just say I wasn’t there very long.
November 17, 2020 12:04 pm
one of the more cretinous articles you’re likely to read today
“My head filled with black smoke.”
An Ostentatious Capitalisation Opportunity spurned there, I feel.
This… is one of the more cretinous articles you’re likely to read today.
I somehow doubt that Ms Webber will ever pause to consider the possibility that the cultivation of eternal and pretentious victimhood, along with a displacement of responsibility and a practised avoidance of obvious facts – as found in her own writing – are very much part of the problem.
So when someone asked me on my first day to go and get an “air ambulance”…
It is all in the context, if someone told you to get 50 yards of flight line, or a gallon of rotor wash, that is one thing, but there are prefectly cromulent reasons to get an air ambulance.
November 17, 2020 1:33 pm
Dehydrated water
ID10T form
Left handed smoke shifter
Bacon stretcher (buddy of mine actually came back with one of these in Boy Scout camp)
100 feet of shore line
Do you know Watana Siam?
Mike Hunt, etc.
Sparks go in the recycling. Everyone knows that.
First, they should be sorted by size. For later processing.
November 17, 2020 2:59 pm
At my first scout camp well over 50 years ago I was sent to the stores to request two skyhooks and some benzene rings to hang from them.
Richard Cranium
November 17, 2020 3:09 pm
Tank commander to very young looking 2LT:
“Sir, we need a can of squelch.”
Very young looking 2LT:
“Nice try, Sergeant.”
Steve E
November 17, 2020 3:32 pm
Driving instructor to first time driver:
“Keep your eyes on the road, you wouldn’t want to hit a dickfor”
First time driver:
“What’s a dickfor?”
Driving instructor:
“That’s a talk you’ll have to have with your father.”
November 17, 2020 3:45 pm
I am still waiting for the repairman to get a round tuit.
November 17, 2020 3:49 pm
First time I’ve seen a spark arrester in action!
November 17, 2020 4:01 pm
Does he have to count them afterwards?
November 17, 2020 4:25 pm
First time I’ve seen a spark arrester in action!
Image trying to get the tiny little cuffs on them.
Watcher In The Dark
November 17, 2020 5:39 pm
At the newspaper where I worked, youngsters were sent on their first day to stores to get a box of mixed half-tone dots.
Captain Nemo
November 17, 2020 5:51 pm
I somehow doubt that Ms Webber will ever pause to consider the possibility…
Yes, quite. [T]here are prefectly cromulent reasons to get an air ambulance.
I know. My post was an attempt at a joke.
Women, however, are at a particular disadvantage when it comes to farming equipment
Especially their John Deere tractor. It presents a myriad of problems all stemming from the fact that it was designed with a man’s upper body strength in mind. For example, tractors often pull different implements from behind, including plowers, tillers or mowers. Switching those implements out is no small feat. It requires a lot of upper body strength.
Wait, what? I thought biological sex was a myth?
Steve E
November 17, 2020 6:34 pm
At the newspaper where I worked, youngsters were sent on their first day to stores to get a box of mixed half-tone dots.
This brings back memories. The paste-up people would mess with the newbie advertising people in this way. They would tell the newb,who was clearing the paper for the first time, that one of the ads needed more half-tone dots. So they’d send them to the photo-mech department to ask for half-tone dots. The photo-mech person would ask them what size was required, number 3s, 4s or 5s. The newb would dutifully return with his question. The paste-up person would then say a number that hadn’t been given and send the newb back. This would go on for as long as the fish kept the hook in his mouth.
November 17, 2020 6:55 pm
Go get me the henway…..
What’s a henway??
About 6 lbs.
November 17, 2020 7:07 pm
I remember calling my Warrant Officer over to the window and asking him why there were 2 young men in full NBC rig struggling towards the MT carrying a number of what looked like empty bin bags. Turns out it was the 2 ACs biffed off basic Regt training whom the armourers had told to take a few bags of contaminated air to the Med Centre…
told to take a few bags of contaminated air to the Med Centre
Heh. Pranking the noobie is usually a form of bonding. An initiation into the club, as it were. It tends to be a male thing, so far as I can tell. I’m not sure what the female equivalent is.
Steve E
November 17, 2020 8:33 pm
Pranking the noobie is usually a form of bonding. An initiation into the club, as it were.
Yes. And those most eager to carry on the tradition usually come from the ranks of those who have been pranked.
I’m not sure what the female equivalent is.
If she’s younger/slimmer/prettier, 10 years of bitching.
Farnsworth M Muldoon
November 17, 2020 9:40 pm
…there is so much racial hatred and violence…
Not to mention the oppression of an 18 year old having to drive a first generation X5.
November 17, 2020 9:48 pm
And those most eager to carry on the tradition usually come from the ranks of those who have been pranked.
Yes. Beyond a certain age, exposing a guy’s enthusiasm for these things or even hazing in general seems to serve its own purpose. The casual “go fetch a…” especially in context of getting newbie out of your hair for 20 minutes is all in good fun. And anything ORIGINAL must be used. It would be a sin not to. But when a guy exhibits a certain enthusiasm for such hazing, it serves to warn the other in-group members to not give that guy any more power than necessary. Ironically, this is why we NEED hazing.
Not to mention the oppression of an 18 year old having to drive a first generation X5.
Given that ten days after the graffiti incident, he was pulled over for leaving a car idling while he ducked into somebody’s house, and then arrested for carrying two loaded and unregistered firearms while driving without a license, I can only guess that delivering dinners for Uber Eats is far more lucrative and far more dangerous than I had previously imagined. Can’t think of any other line of work that would fit the profile.
Women, however, are at a particular disadvantage when it comes to farming equipment.
From the photo attached to the article, you can see that the farmer is using a Series 3 compact utility tractor. It’s a 25-30 horsepower tractor marketed to hobby farmers and people with lots of landscaping to tend. Perhaps not fair to call it an overgrown lawnmower, but nobody from the Midwest is going to recognize it as a “real” tractor.
For comparison, my sainted aunt Maxine (God rest her soul) helped my uncle with the farm chores for decades, until he mangled his right hand in a PTO incident. After wrestling with a 185hp Intl Harvester tractor and implements for so many years, her new job at the state penitentiary seemed like a walk in the park. And when your nickname is “Mad Max the Battle Axe,” you can keep the hazing to a minimum.
There’s a reason why German farmers won’t even look at a woman under 12 stone.
It’s the sound of identifreaks eating other
Ah, but intersectional piety demands that actors shouldn’t be allowed to, you know, act, and backstage staff should be left unemployed. It seems to me the message being sent by the activists is, “For the love of God, don’t go anywhere near transgender characters, even if you want to portray them sympathetically. It’s just not worth the shit you’ll get from social-justice howler monkeys.”
And do take a peek at the associate professor’s choice of staff photo.
More evidence that the silly and the sinister are not things that are mutually exclusive.
November 18, 2020 1:59 pm
And do take a peek at the associate professor’s choice of staff photo.
It positively shrieks professionalism.
It shrieks other things, too. Note how “she”, like so many transgender “women”, behaves like a caricature of a real woman.
It shrieks other things, too. Note how “she”, like so many transgender “women”, behaves like a caricature of a real woman.
It isn’t hard to see how many women find this kind of transgender role-play rather insulting.
Watcher In The Dark
November 18, 2020 2:12 pm
A guy I knew was in the Royal Navy. On his ship a petty officer was called ‘Tug’ and when his ship was one day being towed into an American harbour by a US navy tug, one of the old hands remarked to a young, new officer: “That boat’s got the same name as our petty officer.”
The new officer would stare disbelievingly at a typically semi-exotic name on the stern on the boat in front and say, “What, that’s the petty officer’s name?”
“Yes, sir. Tug,” csme the weary reply.
Perhaps our English professor internalized All the world’s a stage a bit too strongly?
Oh, wait — they don’t read Shakespeare in English departments any more. What was I thinking?
November 18, 2020 2:55 pm
Heh…for some reason, and it’s not clear why, but I’m reminded of my early career launching Space Shuttles at KSC. One long, boring night in the launch control room we were perusing a photo album that was left behind at one of the consoles. It contained pictures of the pilot/cdr positions in the orbiter cockpit to help the person sitting at the console better understand exactly what/where controls were when conversing over the network with whomever might be working in the cockpit. Anyway, there were two (IIRC) foot lever looking devices underneath the console that perhaps (?) looked like they might be manual overrides for controlling the ailerons(?), as one might find in an airplane. Anyway, we were speculating until one young lady that we worked with stopped by and my buddy…I think…had her going that one of those pedals was the clutch. To this day, I’m still not sure who was pulling whose leg.
November 18, 2020 3:08 pm
“…2 On Your Side reached out to the Erie County GOP for a response when the incident occurred….”
Because no one expects the Spanish Inquisition?
Speaking of transgender dramas.
I’m currently reading Abigail Shrier’s book. It is thoughtful, informative and also makes clear the difference between actual trans people and those who engage in it as performative art. The latter being Woke Activists who run the “T” of LGBT as a cult.
Shrier even uses the quote in the link about the “posthumous transing of famous gender-defiant women” actually erasing the achievements of women. “T”s like Lavery actually make a very narrow, highly stereotyped category for “women” … any deviation from that box then makes one “trans” or “queer” but definitely not a woman.
It isn’t hard to see how many women find this kind of transgender role-play rather insulting.
It’s why I’ve found things like the Drag Queen Story Hour particularly insulting. Jessica Rabbit looks like a Precious Moments figurine next to these hostile clowns.
Daniel Ream
November 18, 2020 4:22 pm
Pranking the noobie is usually a form of bonding.
It seems like it’s reserved for blue collar environments. I’ve never seen it in any of the offices I’ve worked in. I suspect it’s because being chronically understaffed, any of those workplaces would have fired someone who wasted that much employee time in that manner (it’s also possible that employees in tech environments are more sensitive to this sort of thing and thus it’s not part of the workplace culture). nobody from the Midwest is going to recognize it as a “real” tractor
Dig into the article. The Stunning and Brave women run a ten-acre locally-sourced, organic, free-range ethical blah blah blah hobby farm. I feel this photo sums up the nature of their business. Their experience with farm equipment is not representative. Hugh Sheridan musical Hedwig and the Angry Inch cancelled after outrage from transgender activists
There’s probably a down side I’m not seeing.
There’s probably a down side I’m not seeing.
Heh. Bad Daniel.
November 18, 2020 8:30 pm
Daniel – “This photo”
Megan Rapinoe’s latest makeover?
November 18, 2020 10:40 pm
re Hedwig, etc.: I wonder if those tolerant folks who complained in regard to Hedwig and the Angry Inch have seen Rainman and other films about people, like me, who are autistic? Did they complain about ‘appropriation’ or role-playing by non-autistic people? I guess I could have complained about Rainman if I felt slighted – I didn’t – I have better things to do with my life.
November 19, 2020 1:58 am
Rap? Scoring last pool match. This beauty comes up on the jukebox…but great, now back to rap. Western civilization is a disgrace, no matter what direction it’s coming from. https://youtu.be/WslLH7lEJ1g
November 19, 2020 2:04 am
Now the nicest woman in the league, someone I once got embarrassed talking to a few years ago when a particularly vulgar tune came on, is now dancing to “Close Your Eyes (And Count To F**k”)” by …I dunno…something about jewels and roaches.
November 19, 2020 2:31 am
Now it’s a wonderful country tune called “I Sucked Another Dick Last Night” by some guy named Wheeler something. Google the lyrics. I wasn’t real clear on some of them.
Farnsworth M Muldoon
November 19, 2020 12:34 pm
This beauty comes up on the jukebox…but great, now back to rap. Western civilization is a disgrace, no matter what direction it’s coming from.
From the olden days we have euphemism laden tunes like this one from Bo Carter, or even more mainstream singers as this lament from Dinah Washington.
OTOH, Blind Boy Fuller makes an old joke.
The problem is not so much that it is new, but more prevalent, and Lucille Bogan notwithstanding (NSFW, children, or small dogs), much more crass.
Y. Knott
November 19, 2020 5:19 pm
“two (IIRC) foot lever looking devices underneath the console that perhaps (?) looked like they might be manual overrides for controlling the ailerons(?)”
Rudder pedals – for controlling the rudder; and on more traditional aircraft, they also apply the brakes.
Daniel Ream
November 19, 2020 11:12 pm
Western civilization is a disgrace, no matter what direction it’s coming from.
I’ve always enjoyed this video demonstrating as it does that there really isn’t much difference between country and gangsta rap.
Or for that matter, this one.
I fell for the Bucket Of Steam In The Basement while working as a young teen at a supermarket.
I fell for the Bucket Of Steam In The Basement while working as a young teen at a supermarket.
Heh. Not everyone would be happy to admit to these indignities.
Sparks go in the recycling. Everyone knows that.
“Farming is a physically demanding job, no matter your body type. Women, however, are at a particular disadvantage when it comes to farming equipment”
is one of the more cretinous articles you’re likely to read today.
First day on the job
I had that too. My father told me not to fall for that sort of thing – tartan paint, long weight, etc. So when someone asked me on my first day to go and get an “air ambulance”… Long story short, let’s just say I wasn’t there very long.
one of the more cretinous articles you’re likely to read today
“My head filled with black smoke.”
An Ostentatious Capitalisation Opportunity spurned there, I feel.
This… is one of the more cretinous articles you’re likely to read today.
I somehow doubt that Ms Webber will ever pause to consider the possibility that the cultivation of eternal and pretentious victimhood, along with a displacement of responsibility and a practised avoidance of obvious facts – as found in her own writing – are very much part of the problem.
I thought it would be ‘Cheekies’ that would be the problem…
So when someone asked me on my first day to go and get an “air ambulance”…

It is all in the context, if someone told you to get 50 yards of flight line, or a gallon of rotor wash, that is one thing, but there are prefectly cromulent reasons to get an air ambulance.
Dehydrated water
ID10T form
Left handed smoke shifter
Bacon stretcher (buddy of mine actually came back with one of these in Boy Scout camp)
100 feet of shore line
Do you know Watana Siam?
Mike Hunt, etc.
Sparks go in the recycling. Everyone knows that.
First, they should be sorted by size. For later processing.
At my first scout camp well over 50 years ago I was sent to the stores to request two skyhooks and some benzene rings to hang from them.
Tank commander to very young looking 2LT:
“Sir, we need a can of squelch.”
Very young looking 2LT:
“Nice try, Sergeant.”
Driving instructor to first time driver:
“Keep your eyes on the road, you wouldn’t want to hit a dickfor”
First time driver:
“What’s a dickfor?”
Driving instructor:
“That’s a talk you’ll have to have with your father.”
I am still waiting for the repairman to get a round tuit.
First time I’ve seen a spark arrester in action!
Does he have to count them afterwards?
First time I’ve seen a spark arrester in action!
Image trying to get the tiny little cuffs on them.
At the newspaper where I worked, youngsters were sent on their first day to stores to get a box of mixed half-tone dots.
I somehow doubt that Ms Webber will ever pause to consider the possibility…
Yes, quite.
[T]here are prefectly cromulent reasons to get an air ambulance.
I know. My post was an attempt at a joke.
Women, however, are at a particular disadvantage when it comes to farming equipment
Wait, what? I thought biological sex was a myth?
At the newspaper where I worked, youngsters were sent on their first day to stores to get a box of mixed half-tone dots.
This brings back memories. The paste-up people would mess with the newbie advertising people in this way. They would tell the newb,who was clearing the paper for the first time, that one of the ads needed more half-tone dots. So they’d send them to the photo-mech department to ask for half-tone dots. The photo-mech person would ask them what size was required, number 3s, 4s or 5s. The newb would dutifully return with his question. The paste-up person would then say a number that hadn’t been given and send the newb back. This would go on for as long as the fish kept the hook in his mouth.
Go get me the henway…..
What’s a henway??
About 6 lbs.
I remember calling my Warrant Officer over to the window and asking him why there were 2 young men in full NBC rig struggling towards the MT carrying a number of what looked like empty bin bags. Turns out it was the 2 ACs biffed off basic Regt training whom the armourers had told to take a few bags of contaminated air to the Med Centre…
Oh my, there is so much racial hatred and violence coming from the right it just spills out all over.
told to take a few bags of contaminated air to the Med Centre
Heh. Pranking the noobie is usually a form of bonding. An initiation into the club, as it were. It tends to be a male thing, so far as I can tell. I’m not sure what the female equivalent is.
Pranking the noobie is usually a form of bonding. An initiation into the club, as it were.
Yes. And those most eager to carry on the tradition usually come from the ranks of those who have been pranked.
A local one where I grew up was ‘go to the front counter and get a jar of compressed air.’
To be fair, Tim, compressed air in a can is a thing.
I’m not sure what the female equivalent is.
If she’s younger/slimmer/prettier, 10 years of bitching.
…there is so much racial hatred and violence…
Not to mention the oppression of an 18 year old having to drive a first generation X5.
And those most eager to carry on the tradition usually come from the ranks of those who have been pranked.
Yes. Beyond a certain age, exposing a guy’s enthusiasm for these things or even hazing in general seems to serve its own purpose. The casual “go fetch a…” especially in context of getting newbie out of your hair for 20 minutes is all in good fun. And anything ORIGINAL must be used. It would be a sin not to. But when a guy exhibits a certain enthusiasm for such hazing, it serves to warn the other in-group members to not give that guy any more power than necessary. Ironically, this is why we NEED hazing.
Not to mention the oppression of an 18 year old having to drive a first generation X5.
Given that ten days after the graffiti incident, he was pulled over for leaving a car idling while he ducked into somebody’s house, and then arrested for carrying two loaded and unregistered firearms while driving without a license, I can only guess that delivering dinners for Uber Eats is far more lucrative and far more dangerous than I had previously imagined. Can’t think of any other line of work that would fit the profile.
Women, however, are at a particular disadvantage when it comes to farming equipment.
From the photo attached to the article, you can see that the farmer is using a Series 3 compact utility tractor. It’s a 25-30 horsepower tractor marketed to hobby farmers and people with lots of landscaping to tend. Perhaps not fair to call it an overgrown lawnmower, but nobody from the Midwest is going to recognize it as a “real” tractor.
For comparison, my sainted aunt Maxine (God rest her soul) helped my uncle with the farm chores for decades, until he mangled his right hand in a PTO incident. After wrestling with a 185hp Intl Harvester tractor and implements for so many years, her new job at the state penitentiary seemed like a walk in the park. And when your nickname is “Mad Max the Battle Axe,” you can keep the hazing to a minimum.
There’s a reason why German farmers won’t even look at a woman under 12 stone.
And those most eager to carry on the tradition usually come from the ranks of those who have been pranked.
Prankster Rank: Master
Nothing is too good for our betters.
What’s thar noise you ask? It’s the sound of identifreaks eating other😏
I thought biological sex was a myth?
What is true is flexible, to the degree that twisting it might provide advantages.
It’s the sound of identifreaks eating other
Ah, but intersectional piety demands that actors shouldn’t be allowed to, you know, act, and backstage staff should be left unemployed. It seems to me the message being sent by the activists is, “For the love of God, don’t go anywhere near transgender characters, even if you want to portray them sympathetically. It’s just not worth the shit you’ll get from social-justice howler monkeys.”
Speaking of transgender dramas.
And do take a peek at the associate professor’s choice of staff photo.
And do take a peek at the associate professor’s choice of staff photo.
It positively shrieks professionalism.
And do take a peek at the associate professor’s choice of staff photo.
More evidence that the silly and the sinister are not things that are mutually exclusive.
And do take a peek at the associate professor’s choice of staff photo.
It positively shrieks professionalism.
It shrieks other things, too. Note how “she”, like so many transgender “women”, behaves like a caricature of a real woman.
It shrieks other things, too. Note how “she”, like so many transgender “women”, behaves like a caricature of a real woman.
It isn’t hard to see how many women find this kind of transgender role-play rather insulting.
A guy I knew was in the Royal Navy. On his ship a petty officer was called ‘Tug’ and when his ship was one day being towed into an American harbour by a US navy tug, one of the old hands remarked to a young, new officer: “That boat’s got the same name as our petty officer.”
The new officer would stare disbelievingly at a typically semi-exotic name on the stern on the boat in front and say, “What, that’s the petty officer’s name?”
“Yes, sir. Tug,” csme the weary reply.
Perhaps our English professor internalized All the world’s a stage a bit too strongly?
Oh, wait — they don’t read Shakespeare in English departments any more. What was I thinking?
Heh…for some reason, and it’s not clear why, but I’m reminded of my early career launching Space Shuttles at KSC. One long, boring night in the launch control room we were perusing a photo album that was left behind at one of the consoles. It contained pictures of the pilot/cdr positions in the orbiter cockpit to help the person sitting at the console better understand exactly what/where controls were when conversing over the network with whomever might be working in the cockpit. Anyway, there were two (IIRC) foot lever looking devices underneath the console that perhaps (?) looked like they might be manual overrides for controlling the ailerons(?), as one might find in an airplane. Anyway, we were speculating until one young lady that we worked with stopped by and my buddy…I think…had her going that one of those pedals was the clutch. To this day, I’m still not sure who was pulling whose leg.
“…2 On Your Side reached out to the Erie County GOP for a response when the incident occurred….”
Because no one expects the Spanish Inquisition?
Speaking of transgender dramas.
I’m currently reading Abigail Shrier’s book. It is thoughtful, informative and also makes clear the difference between actual trans people and those who engage in it as performative art. The latter being Woke Activists who run the “T” of LGBT as a cult.
Shrier even uses the quote in the link about the “posthumous transing of famous gender-defiant women” actually erasing the achievements of women. “T”s like Lavery actually make a very narrow, highly stereotyped category for “women” … any deviation from that box then makes one “trans” or “queer” but definitely not a woman.
It isn’t hard to see how many women find this kind of transgender role-play rather insulting.
It’s why I’ve found things like the Drag Queen Story Hour particularly insulting. Jessica Rabbit looks like a Precious Moments figurine next to these hostile clowns.
Pranking the noobie is usually a form of bonding.
It seems like it’s reserved for blue collar environments. I’ve never seen it in any of the offices I’ve worked in. I suspect it’s because being chronically understaffed, any of those workplaces would have fired someone who wasted that much employee time in that manner (it’s also possible that employees in tech environments are more sensitive to this sort of thing and thus it’s not part of the workplace culture).
nobody from the Midwest is going to recognize it as a “real” tractor
Dig into the article. The Stunning and Brave women run a ten-acre locally-sourced, organic, free-range ethical blah blah blah hobby farm. I feel this photo sums up the nature of their business. Their experience with farm equipment is not representative.
Hugh Sheridan musical Hedwig and the Angry Inch cancelled after outrage from transgender activists
There’s probably a down side I’m not seeing.
There’s probably a down side I’m not seeing.
Heh. Bad Daniel.
Daniel – “This photo”
Megan Rapinoe’s latest makeover?
re Hedwig, etc.: I wonder if those tolerant folks who complained in regard to Hedwig and the Angry Inch have seen Rainman and other films about people, like me, who are autistic? Did they complain about ‘appropriation’ or role-playing by non-autistic people? I guess I could have complained about Rainman if I felt slighted – I didn’t – I have better things to do with my life.
Rap? Scoring last pool match. This beauty comes up on the jukebox…but great, now back to rap. Western civilization is a disgrace, no matter what direction it’s coming from.
Now the nicest woman in the league, someone I once got embarrassed talking to a few years ago when a particularly vulgar tune came on, is now dancing to “Close Your Eyes (And Count To F**k”)” by …I dunno…something about jewels and roaches.
Now it’s a wonderful country tune called “I Sucked Another Dick Last Night” by some guy named Wheeler something. Google the lyrics. I wasn’t real clear on some of them.
This beauty comes up on the jukebox…but great, now back to rap. Western civilization is a disgrace, no matter what direction it’s coming from.
From the olden days we have euphemism laden tunes like this one from Bo Carter, or even more mainstream singers as this lament from Dinah Washington.
OTOH, Blind Boy Fuller makes an old joke.
The problem is not so much that it is new, but more prevalent, and Lucille Bogan notwithstanding (NSFW, children, or small dogs), much more crass.
“two (IIRC) foot lever looking devices underneath the console that perhaps (?) looked like they might be manual overrides for controlling the ailerons(?)”
Rudder pedals – for controlling the rudder; and on more traditional aircraft, they also apply the brakes.
Western civilization is a disgrace, no matter what direction it’s coming from.
I’ve always enjoyed this video demonstrating as it does that there really isn’t much difference between country and gangsta rap.
Or for that matter, this one.