They Sell Failure
From a needlessly indulgent New York Times piece on Robin DiAngelo and her fellow clown-shoe race-hustlers:
[Marcus] Moore directed us to a page in our training booklets: a list of white values. Along with “‘The King’s English’ rules,” “objective, rational, linear thinking” and “quantitative emphasis,” there was “work before play,” “plan for future” and “adherence to rigid time schedules.” Moore expounded that white culture is obsessed with “mechanical time” — clock time — and punishes students for lateness. This, he said, is but one example of how whiteness undercuts Black kids. “The problems come when we say this way of being is the way to be.” In school and on into the working world, he lectured, tremendous harm is done by the pervasive rule that Black children and adults must “bend to whiteness, in substance, style and format.”
Well, that’s one way of looking at it. A perverse and pernicious way, I’d suggest, and an obvious blueprint for degrading, perhaps irreparably, the lives and opportunities of those sufficiently credulous to internalise it. Unless, of course, the cultivation of tardiness, self-absorption, and lack of focus, along with a disregard for deadlines, standards and obligations, and a disdain for reciprocity, will somehow catapult minority students into gainful employment. But such is the way of the woke. Or of “equity transformation specialists,” in Mr Moore’s case.
One might instead argue that this supposedly “white” “obsession” with “mechanical time” – which is to say, basic foresight and punctuality – or just adulthood – has very little to do with oppressing the negro, as Mr Moore claims, and rather more to do with courtesy and treating other people as if they were real, just as real as you, and no more deserving of delays, frustration, or gratuitous disrespect. It seems to me that punctuality is not only about getting things done, about practicality and cooperation, but about getting over yourself. And presumably, Mr Moore – the one reducing black children to strange and otherly beings, unmoored by mere temporal concerns – would prefer his payments for this claptrap, aired to teachers and school administrators, to materialise promptly. Not, say, three weeks late. Or hey, whenever.
Update, via the comments:
Nikw211 notes,
Adherence to clock time is ‘democratic’ insofar as the same standards and expectations apply to all members of society regardless of status. For instance, it is not only the student that has to be on time, but also the teacher, where respect for good time-keeping has to be demonstrated, and demonstrated consistently, as a rule that applies to everyone. Only in undemocratic and rigidly hierarchical “big man” communities, where the strongest and most powerful are free to ruin the lives of others for any reason or for none at all, do you commonly find poor time-keeping used as a symbolic way of humiliating the vulnerable and more powerless.
Well, quite. And again, it’s interesting just how often woke posturing entails a rejection of reciprocity. It’s practically a signature.
Punctuality is, among other things, a gesture of recognition, of empathy. You’re acknowledging the other person as mattering, as someone whose time is as finite as your own and no less valuable. And if someone exempts themselves from such reciprocal expectations – having been encouraged to do so by supposedly grown-up educators – then it seems likely they will do less well in life, whether socially or materially. To pick a humdrum example – if a schoolfriend’s mom invites you to join them for tea, and you turn up an hour late, unapologetic and still expecting to be fed, this is not an obvious basis for congratulation. Or a second invitation.
From this childhood example, you can, I think, extrapolate.
Update 2:
And that’s the thing about adherents of “equity” ideology – a term that seems to mean something like “equality of outcome regardless of inputs.” They disdain the habits of bourgeois life as something to be done away with, at least for certain favoured groups, while expecting the rewards of those same bourgeois habits.
Previously, this and this. Via Julia.
What’s happening now, though, is that the Woke brigade are insisting it should be used when the gender is perfectly clear,
Somewhat related.
I suppose as much as anything it depends on what you’re using to read it.
Absolutely. I like the new bold look. It’s much easier to read on my PC, but there’s no difference on my phone or tablet.
Is everybody coping with the new Enormo-Text™…? Customer feedback, people.
I thought my browser was messing up the website at first (it does that to Insty sometimes), but no – every time I sneak back here, the text is large. I don’t mind at all, since I’ve reached the age where I probably need glasses to see the small stuff but I am studiously in denial.
It doesn’t seem shouty at all, even on a larger monitor, where the difference seems to be the greatest. On the laptop, the text size is fine too. On my phone, everything’s so darn small I don’t notice the difference as much, since I am always zooming in anyways.
Verdict – 2 thumbs up (we can still do that, right? It’s not some sekrit raciss symbol or Illuminati gang sign?)
It doesn’t seem shouty at all, even on a larger monitor,
I did once look at the blog – nay, behold it – on a 55” TV.
There was some laughter from The Other Half.
The shouty text is fine. It’s what I have done sometimes on Firefox, which remembers my settings for each site. Perfectly fine.
I did notice the difference, but as it was a step up, my brain did pursue that particular rabbit down the hole.
If I may…a second glance… I think I do notice a difference now that we’re on page two and I see the OP. Looks to me to be more like a spacing difference, though. Good though. Thx.
shouty text
The font seems gray.
Looks alright on 80% zoom, terrible above that (to me, obv.).
Those who couldn’t read it before could presumably zoom themselves…
Customer feedback, people
I instinctively hit Ctrl-+ and Ctrl– on a variety of sites using older bloghost software, so tbh I hadn’t really noticed. Seemed a bit big, I lowered the zoom, went on about my reading business.
Hmm, on an iPad the difference does not seem very noticeable. Except that the comments input text is, for some reason, rather small. Very crisp, a different font maybe (?) but small.
a 55″ TV
I hadn’t thought you capable of such vulgarity.
I hadn’t thought you capable of such vulgarity.
No, vulgarity is what you encounter at a movie theater nowadays. 😐
Except that the comments input text is, for some reason, rather small. Very crisp, a different font maybe (?) but small.
Yes, that’s what I spotted, dunno of the experience of others . . .
I hadn’t thought you capable of such vulgarity.
True. My GenZ kids watch everything–including movies–on their phone screens.
I hadn’t thought you capable of such vulgarity.
You must be new here.
I hadn’t thought you capable of such vulgarity.
You must be new here.
A picture of David and others has turned up, with David on the left, showing off his new hair.
with David on the left, showing off his new hair.
[ Summons henchlesbians. ]
Bring the thong of remorse.
Just going back to a few points. Daniel Ream made the point that these aspects of ‘whiteness’ would be very familiar to SE Asians. As someone who lives in Asia, this occurs to me very frequently! All of the things mentioned apply to Japanese and Chinese people, at least as much if not more than to white Americans. Other Asian races & cultures vary, although I can’t think of one that doesn’t value education, politeness and respect. Another example of how parochial the American left is.
But anyway, I suspect WTP is correct; this shit isn’t supposed to make sense; they just hate us and want our stuff. If there were lots of Chinese and Japanese in the US, the Leftwaffe would include them too, so they could steal their good things.
Re: ‘colored people’s time’; African time is a definite phenomenon, and it does vex some Africans:
Tits, missed a bit…
Ivory Coast once held a national punctuality competition, to address the problem of a whole nation more or less not turning up. The punctual chap who won already held the nickname Mr White Man’s Time, in recognition of his abnormality.
In not unrelated news, GDP per capital in Ivory Coast is US$1,735, around 145th place…
Bring the thong of remorse.
Why just one? Perfect for weddings.
I’ve never quite worked out how the Japanese fit into critical race theory. You’d think having the third largest economy in the world and having had an egregiously vicious empire might strip them of all important victim points. In some cases of course it does – Japanese people are certainly white when it suits the hard left.
All the same though, whatever they’ve done and achieved, the Japanese are still seen as lesser than whitey. We (whether American or not) commit a grave wrong when we culturally appropriate from them; the reverse is not true.
What’s striking is the way the US internment of Japanese-Americans attracts so much attention these days. I don’t think the purpose has anything to do with balance and it certainly isn’t about undermining hero worship of FDR.
Instead it illustrates the hard left’s tendency of picking out unpalatable parts of western history, editing out any inconvenient parts and then presenting it as justification for their own photo-negative oppression today.
If there is hope it lies in the Asians. As people in this thread have pointed out, they (culturally) do care about punctuality, and hard work and all the things the hard left currently loathes. Prising Asians away from victimhood politics is ultimately our only hope.
Is everybody coping with the new Enormo-Text™…? Customer feedback, people.
I have to say I’m not enamoured of the new look. I use a laptop, and the site now looks ill-proportioned on my screen.
It occurs to me that this (the main subject above the line) is easily solved. If an adherence to “clock time” and punctuality is oppressive, then companies should start paying those who believe in this rubbish later than everyone else, at suitably random intervals. After all, you wouldn’t want my business to oppress you by paying your salary on time, would you? Oh wait, what’s that? You do? Fancy that…
I have to say I’m not enamoured of the new look.
[ Deactivates Enormo-Text™. ]
If anyone now has trouble reading the bog-standard, non-Enormo-Text™, I suggest adjusting your browser’s zoom function. In Chrome, this is found by clicking the three vertical dots, top right.
I suggest adjusting your browser’s zoom function. In . . .
. . . both Firefox and Chrome, one can hit CTRL-+ to increase, CTRL– to decrease, CTRL-0 to reset to standard . . .
Or, as others have alluded to, by pressing control + or control -, with control 0 returning the zoom level to 100%. Or by holding control and using your mouse’s wheelie-button, assuming your mouse is equipped with such a thing.
Or lean in really close.
Hey, I’m just giving people options.
When younger, as an avid reader I read quite a few books about Africa, written by various colonialist white men. It would take me hours on Google to find their various names but one I do recall is “Run For The Trees” or something like that.
The point would be that the missionaries wife was protected due to medical knowledge and hence the whole family. Access to the King was immediate. When traders wanted permission to cross the King’s holdings, used missionary as intermediate to seek audience with the King, they (traders))were left waiting at the King’s Kra’al for over 45 days as a symbol of his omnipotent power.
Don’t tell me black’s don’t have a very comprehensive and utilizable concept of time.
I’ve never had an issue reading the blog on a laptop because of the resizing options that others have already mentioned. It’s much more difficult on a phone or a tablet. When I resize on those devices, the text doesn’t rewrap to fit the screen, so that the text block is the same number of words wide as it was when it fit the whole screen. In order to read it I have to move the page side-to-side and back which is a bit of a pain in the ass. So I try not to read the blog on those devices.
We (whether American or not) commit a grave wrong when we culturally appropriate from them;
The only Japanese that squeal “cultural appropriation” if a person of pallor wears a kimono are the ones born/raised outside of Japan. Japanese people absolutely enjoy others who learn/adopt any Japanese cultural food, art, clothing, etc. And they certainly are happy to “culturally appropriate” all manner of American / Western culture.
And they certainly are happy to “culturally appropriate” all manner of American / Western culture.
As I’ve said before, the dogmatic scolds who bang on about “cultural appropriation” rarely display much understanding of culture or how it comes about. Presumably, they imagine that the world would be richer and more pious without Akira Kurosawa’s vivid reworkings of Shakespeare, or his ‘appropriation’ of American band music of the 30s and 40s, and without Kurosawa’s own films inspiring Sergio Leone and George Lucas, etc.
The riffs and copying, the to-and-fro, are to a very large extent what culture is.
As I’ve said before, the dogmatic scolds who bang on about “cultural appropriation” rarely display much understanding of culture or how it comes about.
Almost like how creationists view biology.
Almost like how creationists view biology.
That’s the thing about modern leftism and wokeness in particular. It’s not just wrong about many, many things – it’s profoundly wrong, practically an inversion.
Japanese people absolutely enjoy others who learn/adopt any Japanese cultural food, art, clothing, etc. And they certainly are happy to “culturally appropriate” all manner of American / Western culture.
This is because the Japanese are incredibly ethnically and nationalistically chauvinist; they have complete confidence in their culture and so they are not threatened by other people learning it and vice versa.
I should note, however, that they do get annoyed if you adopt their language/culture too accurately, as then you’re “trying to be Japanese”, which is above your station. You gaijin.
Any possibility of seeing that low-cut dress on the 55″ TV?
Any possibility of seeing that low-cut dress on the 55” TV?
I need hamster urine, stat.
No, the special female-in-heat stuff.
Seen on Le Twat:
Any possibility of seeing that low-cut dress on the 55″ TV?
Well, I dunno if the TV is exactly four foot five inches, but basically, here is indeed what you’ve asked for . . .
The riffs and copying, the to-and-fro, are to a very large extent what culture is.
I should note, however, that they do get annoyed if you adopt their language/culture too accurately, as then you’re “trying to be Japanese”, which is above your station. You gaijin.
That is not quite correct. Japanese people are always enormously impressed and flattered by foreigners who speak Japanese with any degree of fluency and even more if they can read & write it.
However, they tend to view foreigners trying to behave exactly like the Japanese as the Scots might view a Japanese expat who went around in full highland gear and reeking of Buckfast in an attempt to fit in.
Specificity is everything. ” here is indeed what you’ve asked for . . .” I have cast it to the big screen and it simply does not have the artistic effect I had hoped. This on the other hand…
And they certainly are happy to “culturally appropriate” all manner of American / Western culture.
On that first link to “American” my next up on the play list was Nishida Hikaru performing “Take Me Home Cuntly Loads.”
“They came for the Communists but I did not speak out because I wasn’t a Communist.”
That is not quite correct.
Well, I know […quickly counts…] five different whitu debbu who have emigrated to Japan, have lived there for 10-15 years and each speak absolutely idiomatic Japanese, and they routinely tell stories of being told outright by strangers that they should stop trying to “act Japanese” because they speak the language too well.
One of them had to a fire a secretary on her first day because upon meeting him she loudly announced to the entire office that she would never take orders from a gaijin.
The Japanese love tourists. Immigrants are a whole different story.
Scots might view a Japanese expat who went around in full highland gear and reeking of Buckfast in an attempt to fit in.
Great. Now my weekend plans are shot….But wait, what if one were to do so as a “Troooo Scotsman”?
And they certainly are happy to “culturally appropriate” all manner of American / Western culture.
I once worked for a smallish business that had a representative in Japan. He was of Japanese descent, but born and raised in California. He had moved to Japan in order to attend college there.
When asked about life as an expat one of his more amusing observations involves how he has often been pestered by Africans trying to entice him into clothing shops. The shops hire the Africans to hang around outside and pretend they are black Americans, in order to attract young Japanese customers. As an American he found their performances… less than convincing, and as a Japanese-American he would be very unlikely to ever follow were an actual “gangsta” black American to random-assedly try to lead him off the street.
a “Troooo Scotsman”
Would that be like the guy I knew named Stewart who refused to buy Campbell’s soup?
Now, *that* is holding a grudge.
Have you noticed how upset woke lecturers get when you knock on their door and politely request that they deliver their lecture to you now because ten o’clock in the morning wasn’t the right time for you?
Am I the only one mildly upset that Darleen’s link to “Western” culture isn’t the link to the country/western performance?
I am? Just me, then? Okay, I suppose that’s fair.