The Thrill Of Mucus
I have a cold and am feeling less than my usual scintillating self. I am therefore declaring an open thread. You know the drill. Share links and bicker. And send biscuits.
The reheated series and greatest hits are there to be poked at.
Remember the chatbot Parry which emulated a paranoid schizophrenic?
I’m too sick to engage in any witty banter or repartee.
I feel like a pig’s breakfast of warmed-over death. And that’s when my inner misanthrope starts fronting. (If you don’t know what “fronting” is, go over to Tumblr and check out some of its “multiple systems” or “plurality (or ‘living plural’)” tags. That there’s some dialing-up-the-’tism-to-11-level special.)
My sympathies.
Boatswain’s Mate, an endearing photo of Terry Pratchett to cheer you up:
