Resistance Is Futile
Via Neontaster comes news of an intriguing technological development. Apparently, the device “makes the patient feel comfortable,” while “the strong currents impact and rub.” Hey, I’m just reading what it says here.
Oh, and yes, there is a more intimate video.
Also, open thread.
Oh, and yes, there is a more intimate video.
Nightmare fuel.
“I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
there is a more intimate video.
No, no, no. No way. Fool me once…
You can’t blame the military for your fat ass, according to a new VA ruling
$4,999 is a lot of money.
*sells car*
It gives a price of “$4,999.99 – $5,999.99.”
I don’t even want to know what the available options are.
It truly is an intriguing, technological, development, which should be placed at several bus stops where I live. We may as well have something to do while waiting for our (non) Arriva bus!
I don’t even want to know what the available options are.
Oh yes you do.
An actual orgasmatron.
As per the Engrish at the bottom of the second link, features of the miracle device include:
(2)Provide a full range of visual, auditory and olfaction stimulation
It smells too.
Why would Skynet need a DNA sample?
a full range of visual, auditory and olfaction stimulation
I have to say, in the final video, as the device starts, er, thrusting, the 50s sci-fi humming sound was quite special. Twinned with the gravelly, crunchy noise, it positively screams “Insert penis here.”
It made my wife laugh.
It made my wife laugh.
You may want to start checking those credit card statements.
Oh dear. As a result of the post above, my YouTube recommendations are taking a strange turn.
Now THAT qualifies for the “you know you want one” category.
One of my friends has just emailed, “Not quite sure why it needs lights inside.”
Answers on a postcard, please.
Psst! David! Your thread is open…
In glorious future, government does EVERYTHING for you.
The same reason it needs USB connectivity and a dock for a tablet on the top. Extensibility and future proofing of course. Also it is important for the sake of keeping the insides clean for the next donor.
I assume there is a contraption on the other side to help with insemination.
Probably one of the scariest Daleks I’ve ever seen. Lubricate! Stimulate! Exseminate!
Is it a blood pressure machine?
I like the way this has been placed in the ‘Dating Decisions’ category.
Should anyone want a party version, where group participation is not only an option, but actively encouraged, Amazon has one of these for the bargain price of only £137.88 (+£36.36 UK Delivery, 1-4 players)
Yeah, being experts at copying, they got this idea from Harlan Ellison’s A Boy And His Dog after Clinton threw the DVD in with one of his technology “exports”.
However, regarding the technical specs, numbers 3 and 4 makes me wonder who the designers were using for test dummies (though it might explain their embarrassment), and number 6 makes me wonder if the designers know the real thing doesn’t come with factory equipped illumination.
It looks like a life-size lady shick razor with a special attachment. It may be a trick to remove the source of the patriarchy’s power.
Sorry here’s the original. You decide.

It may be a trick to remove the source of the patriarchy’s power.
They are trying to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids.
That’s the way your hardcore commie works. POE, deny them your essence.
Let’s try this again:

My html didn’t work.
It looks like a life-size lady shick razor with a special attachment.

The one in the video also looks like a life-size Panic Poppin’ Pete Stress Reliever Squeeze Toy.
Combine it with This and away you go! (never to be seen again).
Yeah, being experts at copying, they got this idea from Harlan Ellison’s A Boy And His Dog after Clinton threw the DVD in with one of his technology “exports”
Proof that Mr Einstein was right.
I was hoping for jetpacks but I guess this will do.
Facebook Livestream will never be the same.
I like big bots and I can not lie
You other brothers can’t deny
That when a bot is rolls in with a itty interface
And a pulsing thing in that place
You get sprung, want to pull up tough
‘Cause you notice that bot was stuffed
I like big bots and I can not lie
I’m cutting you off after that double.
She’s serious, too:
“…donors reluctant to masturbate in a hospital setting”
Wait, so….isn’t that all of them?
Or there are some donors that are eager…?
SteveE:“Sorry here’s the original. You decide.”
I can’t believe they forgot to add WHEELS!!
1 The next development will be someone applying to marry one. It will be approved.
2 If I were reluctant to provide a sperm sample in a clinic, being faced with the Spermatron 1000 would convince me to get busy, pronto.
3 I would not stick so much as an elbow into that dank hole. You don’t know what might be lurking down there, ready to pounce.
I’m cutting you off after that double.
Yo, always like Mister Charlie, trying to keep a brother down.
She’s serious, too
Ah yes. To get ahead in the modern world, what students need is more of that Magic Negro Oral Tradition™. Apparently, minority students in the USA – specifically, Illinois – just can’t cope with this new-fangled written word business.
Remind me, who are the racists again?
She’s serious, too:
From further down in the thread:
The question begging is epic…
She’s serious, too
Good point, because as we all know, “oral traditions” never get anything lost, warped, or otherwise mutated in the telling from one person to the next, it is as if they are carved in stone.
just can’t cope with this new-fangled written word business.
As I saw in dicentra’s reply in the thread, and from what I remember growing up in those ancient times of the mid-20th century, memorizing poems or specific bits of historical documents and speeches, and reciting them in front of the class was a regular feature of education.
That has been dismissed by the educrats for being too “rote”.
Speaking of poisonous educators:
But hey, priorities.
But Leftists are so tolerant.
She’s serious, too:
Has this woman never played a game of telephone?
As a pencil sharpener, that device doesn’t look very good. Also incredibly noisy. You’d hardly be able to think of what you were doing.
Wait, that is what it is, right? A pencil sharpener? Or maybe a carrot peeler…