Friday Ephemera
“His Great Device Makes Him Famous” and other mistranslated movie titles. (h/t, Coudal) // Art made from packing tape. // It’s a shame to waste dead flies. // “MoD document on how to stop documents leaking onto the internet has been leaked onto the internet.” // Monster rugs. // Boob scarf. (h/t, Ace) // Black Hole. // “Moral exhibitionism… is generosity of spirit at other people’s expense.” // Photosketch. // A handsome amp. // Placenta teddy bears. // PC toys that failed. (h/t, Julia) // People in Syria are masturbating. // A solution is at hand. // And, via The Thin Man, it’s a sponsorship message from Mr Mel Tormé.
The mistranslated film titles are funny. Current faves:
Die Slowly, Now More Than Ever
Die Hard: Mega Hard
The Young People Who Traverse Dimensions While Wearing Sunglasses
All fine choices. “Meetings and Failures in Meetings” is charmingly oblique. And I quite like how “Grease” becomes “Vaseline.”
Boob scarves! Fantastic!
And just in time for Christmas too… 😉
On the mistranlated movie titles, I note that Annie Hall is ‘The Urban Neurotic’. Which rather begs the question of what they call all Woody’s OTHER movies, doesn’t it?
Can’t choose between “Trump Card Big Liar” and “The Hole Of Malkovich”.
As a Norwegian, I would truly appreciate a post summarizing the horror of the world after they learned that we picked Obama for the Nobel peace-prize. I’m thinking a video-collage – similar to the one showing peoples reactions while watching the 2 girls 1 cup-video for the first time, but I’m not picky.
Well, Simen, I think we know what the title would be:
World-Wide WTF?
Yes, you’d think someone who wasn’t a narcissist might be embarrassed and decline the award in favour of other, more deserving nominees. It’s interesting that the bewilderment and sarcasm extends across the political spectrum. I’ve seen the term “patronising beauty pageant” used more than once. Maybe it’ll be, as Ace put it, “a poisoned chalice” for Obama and a nail in the coffin of the Nobel Prize Committee itself.
Incidentally, I had no idea what “2 girls 1 cup” is, so I searched out the trailer. Imagine my delight.
“US President Barack Obama has been awarded the 2009 FHM Sexiest Woman In The World Award. The Magazine said he won it for “his extraordinary grace and beauty that unites peoples”. They highlighted Mr Obama’s incredibly soft skin and long legs as reasons for the award. Mr Obama’s spokesman said the president was “humbled” to have been presented with the prize by previous winner Megan Fox, who dropped the heavy prize. “That would have hurt if it had landed on your toe” remarked the President, an observation for which Mr Obama was immediately awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics.”
“Imagine my delight.”
Now *there’s* a poisoned chalice.
“Imagine my delight.”
I’m of course happy to contribute as best I can.
While trying to find a decent pointer to the reaction clips I mentioned, I came over this piece,, which seems usable. As a bonus, I’ve now learned a new term as well, “body envelope violations”. I’ll try to put it into frequent use to gain an understanding of what it actually implies.
My God. That amp is just sick. I try not to fetishise items, but I may need a quick tommy over that.
“Simen Thoresen”
Google “church of fudge” for worse “body envelope violations” + religious taboos!
I think I got to 11 seconds before stopping.