Brendan Dawes’ distilled films. Taxi Driver, Vertigo, The Conversation; one grab per second, one minute per row, one film per print. More. And. // Via 1+1=3, the making of the Six Feet Under title sequence. Film. // Visualising data. // TV-liquor cabinet combo. A whole new level of kitsch. // Deogolwulf on the wisdom of Richard Rorty. // Mick Hartley on Freud, cocaine and chutzpah. // Shiraz Maher on Hizb ut-Tahrir. “I only hope that our testimonies will encourage those still within Islamist movements to find the moral courage to leave.” // 70,000 Hizb supporters rally in Indonesia. // Man arrested by Saudi religious police for washing car instead of praying. Faints, dies. // Iranian man lashed for possessing Bible. “Security agents accused the man of converting from Islam to Christianity.” // Robert Mugabe inspired to greatness by North Korea. (H/T, Daimnation!) // Life magazine cover browser. 1936 -2007. // The Book Cover Appreciation Gallery. // The Visual Index of Science Fiction Cover Art. (H/T, Coconut Jam.) // Assorted timepieces. // Can a computer keyboard be cleaned in a dishwasher? Apparently so. // Cleaning CDs with a banana. // The Washington Banana Museum. // Via Coudal, the Museum of Forgotten Art Supplies. // The Museum of Cocaine. // ReacTable tactile synthesiser. More. And. // Via Dr Westerhaus, Aleksandra Domanovic’s low-budget video for Jamie Lidell’s New Me. // Pachelbel’s Canon in D. (1680) Ah, smells classier already.

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