Friday Ephemera
“Oh, this isn’t so bad.” || Dinner is served. || Dude. || On human biodiversity, a series of documentaries. || Helping hands. || Her pronouns are “a little bit too complicated” to fit in her bio. || At last, tiny power tools. || That’s the spot. || There may have been an explosion. || What’s under the pavement? || The progressive retail experience, parts 411, 412, and 413. || Never say never, they say. || Internet vending machines. || Nice save, sir. || Nice save 2. || Insufferable twat detected. || I think there’s something in the dark. || Creature comfort. || They congratulate themselves. || How to make colour-changing cabbage juice. || “He gets very excited when he sees food.” || And finally, rather briskly, scenes of forbidden love.
Oh, and a reminder that I now have a Gettr account.
“I’m not interested in interviewing the clinical data, I’m interested in interviewing you”!
It is interesting when The Science is infallible and discussion is verboten, as in the aforementioned climate and covid, but gets trodden into the dust when feelings are concerned as in the case of biology, what with those inconvenient XX and XY chromosomes, and inexplicable internal organs such as prostates, uterii, ovaries, testes, fallopian tubes, and vas deferens. Amazing how a trace gas that has doubled in atmospheric concentration without a corresponding doubling of the temperature is still going to kill us all, but observably different chromosomes and internal organs with well-known functions (and some unknown ones undoubtedly) gets hand-waved away if it’s even allowed to be brought up. That smells a lot like religion to me. I got into a scientific field because I was curious how things worked, and I tend to question everything, which used it be ok in science, or at least the sacred cows were less obvious.
I got into a scientific field because I was curious how things worked, and I tend to question everything, which used it be ok in science, or at least the sacred cows were less obvious.
Curiously, there seem to be plenty of people in the STEM fields whose interest in scientific evidence depends on political fashion. At least that is the impression I get from the people I know or have known.
“Ablenationalism and Peripheral Embodiment“.
That smells a lot like religion to me.
Great post by-the-way. But the end goal of Marxists, neo-marxists, post-modernists, intersectionalists, CRTists etc. is ultimately to disrupt modern society to the point where it can’t function–paving the way for the “revolution” and failing that, as long as they’re in charge–anything goes.
What’s interesting is that the media mouth pieces have no idea what’s going on and what they’re supporting. When you’re bought and paid for (whether you’re aware of it or not) it really doesn’t matter who is in charge because you’re still spewing the same bullshit.
What’s interesting is that the media mouth pieces have no idea what’s going on and what they’re supporting.
Are you sure they don’t know? Why can’t they be part of the left’s Long March Through the Institutions? I’ve lost track of the number of self-described liberals I knew who sooner or later showed themselves to be radical leftists.
OK, like how I said I generally don’t watch long videos…well, perhaps that Jordan Peterson video gave me some patience for this video of Leon the Lobster. A guy with a salt water aquarium decides to pick up a live lobster from the grocery store and keep it as a pet. Well, as pet as a fish can be. Pretty cool.
Are you sure they don’t know?
I’m almost certain.
The new Google Wokespeak translation feature:
…”longstanding inequities which have minimised the voices of the Roma people.”
Inequities such as distrusting the habitually criminal and antisocial?
Well, the Gypsy holocaust tends to spoil the narrative. There’s an insistence that the Nazi assault on the Jews, which was historically unprecedented and conducted by militant anti-Christians, must nonetheless have been the result of traditional European Christian-based antisemitism, even though Christian antisemitism never produced such crimes. The fact the Gypsies were rounded up much more efficiently and wiped out even more thoroughly than the Jews, in the absence of any Christian objection to the Gypsies or any tradition of Christian antiziganism (I just made that term up), poses a problem for those who insist on blaming the Christians. The idea that people make enemies and choose enemies for a range of reasons, and religion doesn’t necessarily have much to do with it, hits some people rather hard.