And Lo, There Came A Great Bunching Of The Panties
“Everyone is allowed to share their opinion. I just hope he gets fired for it.”
Regarding the ongoing ‘Google memo’ saga, I thought I’d lift the following from yesterday’s comments:
To recap. A Google software developer with a PhD in biology writes a polite, conciliatory and politically centrist memo suggesting that there’s a leftist groupthink problem in the company that inhibits open discussion; that men and women on average have differing preferences and abilities, albeit with a large overlap, and so “diversity” policies might benefit from bearing that in mind; and that perhaps people should be treated as individuals rather than as mascots of allegedly oppressed identity groups.
This is immediately met with ludicrous and wilful mischaracterisation by “social justice” Twitter and the ‘progressive’ media, including deliberately deleting the memo’s links to supporting data; a general refusal to engage honestly with the author’s points, or in many cases even to read them; baseless accusations of every ‘ism’ going; personal doxxing; boasts of blacklisting; and demands that the author of the memo be fired for his heresy and never employed again.
On grounds that his arguments are “violently offensive” and in need of being “silenced.” He is, you see, “committing violence” with his statistics. All of which rather proves the author’s point about leftist groupthink and its reliance on distortion, intimidation and outright hysteria.
The employee in question has of course now been fired. Readers who wish to be violently offended can read the memo here.
Jordan Peterson interviews James Damore, author of the supposedly scandalous and “fascist” memo. Skip forward to 5’10:
“The thing that was disturbing to me about watching the response to you is that, so far as I can tell, there isn’t anything that you said… that violates the scientific literature as it currently stands.”
Update 2, via the comments:
Within the field of neuroscience, sex differences between women and men — when it comes to brain structure and function and associated differences in personality and occupational preferences — are understood to be true, because the evidence for them (thousands of studies) is strong. This is not information that’s considered controversial.
Update 3:
Allum Bokhari interviews a (pseudonymous) Google employee:
Several managers have openly admitted to keeping blacklists of the employees in question, and preventing them from seeking work at other companies. There have been numerous cases in which social justice activists coordinated attempts to sabotage other employees’ performance reviews for expressing a different opinion. These have been raised to the Senior VP level, with no action taken whatsoever… For conservative employees, this is obviously demoralising, but it is also dangerous.
Update 4:
The Quillette website, which published some strong support of Mr Damore’s memo, is currently experiencing a DDoS attack. A coincidence, no doubt.
Update 5:
When Black Lives Matter hysteria hit its peak, sometime in 2015, it became taboo to criticise identity politics, and later on, it became very dangerous to criticise any member of a minority group at all (even if the criticism had nothing to do with their identity).
Allum Bokhari talks with more (pseudonymous) Google employees.
Update 6:
A compendium of gender research by Sean Stevens and Jonathan Haidt at Heterodox Academy:
Damore is correct that there are “population level differences in distributions” of traits that are likely to be relevant for understanding gender gaps at Google. Even if we set aside all questions about the origins of these differences, the fact remains that there are gender differences in a variety of traits, and especially in interest/enjoyment (rather than ability) in the adult population from which Google and all other tech firms recruit.… Damore was drawing attention to empirical findings that seem to have been previously unknown or ignored at Google.
Unknown or ignored. By our self-imagined betters.
Update 7:
And for those with a taste for irony, here’s video of a talk by Michael Gurian, titled Leadership and the Sexes, given at Google HQ nine years ago. Curiously, the topic of psychological and neurological gender differences was, not too long ago, deemed suitable for discussion by Google management and employees, and indeed advantageous. During the talk, none of the ladies present seem particularly outraged, or oppressed, or in need of a fainting couch.
Update 8:
A Primer On Statistics to Help Quell Your Outrage at the Google Memo.
There’s something deeper going on here. James Damore apparently filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board having to do with adverse conditions in the workplace before releasing the Google Manifesto, and Google might have stepped in it by firing him. It is being reported that he might have a case. California also has laws relating to oppressive workplace environments.
Bing (not Google) search: james damore nlrb complaint filed before google manifesto
If we can’t have an honest discussion about this, then we can never truly solve the problem.
Whatever made him think they want to “solve” a “problem?”
That one disappeared. I’ll try again.
Something deeper is going on. I read somewhere that James Damore filed a National Labor Relations Board complaint before he posted the Google Manifesto, something about adverse working conditions. Google might have seriously stepped in it by firing him over the memo. It looks like he has a grievance with a remedy at law.
Bing (not Google)search: james damore nlrb complaint filed before google manifesto
This isn’t over yet. The Leftists shall wail and rend their garments. I love it when they do that.
Sorry for the double post, David, I didn’t pay attention to the ‘More Comments’ link. Me stupid.
the ‘More Comments’ link
I vaguely recall being here when one of David’s comment threads first passed 100. It was caused by an especially dense and persistent troll, IIRC. Now we pass 100 on a regular basis with real conversations.
Now we pass 100 on a regular basis with real conversations.
And let’s face it. Only the cool kids hang out on the second page.
“The SJWs at Google don’t seem to like anybody!”
I haven’t tried any sort of comparison, but I would assume that the sharp falls in the readership of the mentioned left wing websites is less because of Google not liking their politics and more to do with the poor quality of their output and a crowded market of similar websites publishing the same garbage. See also the Guardian…
I use Fastmail for my email service. It’s a paid service, but no SJW leanings that I can tell, and it’s an Aussie company.
“sharp falls in the readership of the mentioned left wing websites”
Maybe certain people were being paid to “participate” in order to provide the illusion of popularity and then something unexpected happened last November which eventually caused the bottomless pit of money to start drying up.
Google and Facebook are at the vanguard of this, but given Tim Cook’s public statements I can’t help but think Apple isn’t far behind.
This must have been what it was like when Stalin got his purging on…
“Here are some of the more blatant lies about the memo perpetuated by news media outlets.”
[ Added: ]
And of course the Guardian’s Owen Jones.
Only the cool kids hang out on the second page.
And page two is topless, of course.
James Damore, the author of the memo, is interviewed here.
As you can see, the man is clearly a monster.
“I really don’t understand it myself”
James put together a thoughtful paper, full of charts, cites and science… which the BURNTHEWITCH shrieks disassembled, shredded and rearranged to suit their rewrites of his document. And here he is, a nerdy Harvard guy who still believes the Mao-lings will listen to thoughtful discourse and can’t get why they reacted this way.
Words are violence? I want to go slap the s*** out of these people.
The Quillette website, which published some strong support of Mr Damore’s memo, is currently experiencing a DDoS attack.
I’m sure it’s a coincidence.
My son just graduated from Washington State University with a degree in Electrical Engineering. 105 students in his class, four women.
Unmentioned in Damore’s memo — oddly, because it is fundamental — is the significant M-F difference in mechanical aptitude.
The difference between the female and male means is just about one standard deviation. Assuming that success in occupations such as, say, car mechanic, engineer, programmer, etc are dependent upon mechanical aptitude, and that among men aptitude more than one SD right of the mean is the mean for such occupations, then very few women will be in that range.
Consequently, in any sufficiently large population, it is certain there will be more male mechanics and engineers, unless the criteria are changed to reduce the competitive advantage of aptitude. (And what could possibly be the problem with that?)
Like it, or not.
Reality doesn’t much care what you think of it, Google.
And here he is, a nerdy Harvard guy who still believes the Mao-lings will listen to thoughtful discourse and can’t get why they reacted this way.
Yes, it’s almost touching. Thing is, I’d imagine the regulars here are a fairly cynical bunch, sceptical at least. But evidently there are plenty of people who assume that the “diversity and inclusion” blather is mouthed in good faith by people who are pious and upstanding, and who crave “dialogue” and hugs. As opposed to being mouthed as camouflage by hustlers, opportunists and spiteful little shits. And which, so far as I can tell, is much more common.
The difference between the female and male means is just about one standard deviation. Assuming that success in occupations such as, say, car mechanic, engineer, programmer, etc are dependent upon mechanical aptitude, and that among men aptitude more than one SD right of the mean is the mean for such occupations, then very few women will be in that range.
It’s quite odd how so many people will be outraged, or pretend to be outraged, by the fact that aptitudes and talents aren’t equally distributed among every conceivable category of mankind. But the fact that you’d expect there to be fewer female mechanics, for instance, doesn’t tell you anything useful about the competence of any given individual standing in front of you. It’s just about the general numbers you’d expect to meet a certain threshold.
And in fact “diversity” hustling and “affirmative action” actually create doubts regarding competence, in that such policies raise the possibility that the person standing in front of you may have been indulged with lower standards and lower expectations on account of their allegedly oppressed group identity.
Debra Soh, who unlike Google’s “diversity” commissar, has a PhD in sexual neuroscience.
See also this.
Also this.
I wonder what the search traffic is like for l’affaire Damore and what the reaction to same is on the Google campus?
Steve Sailer, here.
“There’s something deeper going on here. James Damore apparently filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board having to do with adverse conditions in the workplace before releasing the Google Manifesto, and Google might have stepped in it by firing him. It is being reported that he might have a case. California also has laws relating to oppressive workplace environments.”
So he was smart and consulted a good lawyer first. If he plays the “I’ve been blacklisted card” he can paid off for life.
More wilful distortion, this time by CNN’s Jackie Wattles.
Apparently, they don’t teach statistics or basic probity at Columbia University’s School of Journalism.
Related to Diana Fleischman’s graph above:
The “Blue-Chip Media’s” misrepresentation of the contents of the memo is truly astounding. It’s one thing for some random schmo to simply parrot third-hand talking points because he’s too intellectually lazy to read the damn thing himself. It’s another for purportedly reputable journalists to blatantly lie about what the memo says, when we can all read it ourselves. Do we need any additional evidence of the MSM’s malevolence?
There was a woman in my senior design group of six people for a bachelor’s in engineering, and she was simply not mechanically apt. However, she’d done well in her maths courses and had been aggressively “recruited” through the process all the way to the end, so as far as they were concerned, she was a perfect success story. She may have ended up in a supervisory role in some type of engineering, but I dare say she was *not* cut out to be an engineer. Didn’t matter – she graduated, and to the school that’s what counts.
Contrast that with the sixty year old woman in my church who ran a mechanic’s shop and tears down engines for rebuild to this day. I don’t know that she ever obtained more than a high school education, but I would rate her aptitude quite high… and I never met a woman like her in all my time in school. Why not, I wonder?
Gender equality efforts, frankly, have been worse than useless.
It’s another for purportedly reputable journalists to blatantly lie about what the memo says, when we can all read it ourselves.
Absolutely. It’s one of those opportunities for large numbers of people to see, quite vividly, just how incompetent and brazenly mendacious much of the mainstream media is.
Fake news, as they say.
Do we need any additional evidence of the MSM’s malevolence ?
No, because the purportedly reputable journalists are really random schmoes simply parroting third-hand talking points because they are too intellectually lazy to read the damn thing themselves. In my early and peripatetic academic career I started in an allegedly top rated J-school, and even back then in the Pleistocene the vast majority of my classmates were ideological drones and dullards of the first water. I doubt things have improved since then.
Given both the MSM’s mendacity and it’s willful refusal to acknowledge actual, peer-reviewed research and informed commentary such as that contained in the Quillette post mentioned above, the question becomes, “Why?” I think the only answer is that there is such a huge industrial complex with lots of influence, making lots of money enforcing postmodern, “social construction,” oppression narratives. Reality itself must be suppressed or manipulated to protect those whose status and livelihoods are dependent upon maintaining the illusion.
Conor Friedersdorf in The Atlantic:
Conor Friedersdorf in The Atlantic:
Wherein young Conor displays his own overwhelming bias about the alleged majesty of his dismal profession, as well as his less than rigorous “journalism” as he contradicts himself as quoted above.
Either The Google Memo™ affair is an outlier, or non-rigorous “journalism” is a growing scourge which threatens to derail “social justice”.
If I am interpreting this correctly, which I think I am, Conor Friedersdorf is upset that outright lies told in social justice stories have harmed the reception of the sophistry, tone mendacity, omitted facts, and other deceit. In other words, the murder enterprises are making the whoring, shakedowns, grand larceny, and assault all look bad.
I would like to instruct him to “cry some more”.
Unfortunately Dr. Peterson’s video cuts out mid-sentence… presumably that’ll be fixed later. And whilst I do have a bit of a man-crush on Dr. Peterson he’s not a good interviewer and keeps interrupting the rather tongue-tied James Damore.
Have just seen there’s a Stefan Molyneux interview which might be better:
I noted that issue, among others, in his column. I do give him credit for at least trying to set the record straight in a left-of-center publication, but I also note he struggles mightily to throw in enough virtue signals to avoid being dragged to the gibbet with Mr. Damore. Further, even those who try to be voices of moderation on the Left cannot seem to address Damore’s a)actual arguments or b)the scientific research which he cites in support of same. Rather, Friedersdorf for example simply dismisses the memo as “wrong-headed” and the like.
Unfortunately Dr. Peterson’s video cuts out mid-sentence… presumably that’ll be fixed later.
Apparently, there’s a corrupted frame or something that’s being fixed. The full interview will be posted soon.
From the video:
Friedersdorf for example simply dismisses the memo as “wrong-headed” and the like.
Yes, like so many of his peers, he spends plenty of time and effort letting us know, repeatedly, that he disapproves of much of the memo, and how “dubious” unspecified parts of it are, while carefully omitting any detail or explanation of why. He does, though, find time to inform us that “social justice activists” are “understandably angry.”
He says they’re fixing it in the blurb below the video.
It’s also clear he has a paternal concern for the poor kid. Maybe that doesn’t help.
The Stefan one is a bit better, though, much as I admire Stefan, it suffers from his usual soapboxing and rants when, usually, you want to hear a little more of the interviewee. He’s a bit more restrained at the start of it though.
I’ve seen a couple of people mention a grander game-theoretic idea of what James has done, and if that’s the case, the man is a genius master of disguise at hiding what his plan is. To me, he looks like a naive bloke, a rabbit in headlights, thinking ‘wtf just happened?’ because he was in his own ‘echo-chamber’ of believing that we can all just talk to each other and discuss the facts. As David’s site relates, that ship has long since sailed. He’s learning, fast, that it never was the case, there never was any room for discussion, openness to ideas or dialogue in good faith. It’s about the One True Faith, and burn the witches.
Incidentally, there’s a list of links to relevant research below the video over on Dr Peterson’s YouTube channel.
Despite all the virtue-signaling, I expect that he will be dragged to the gibbet regardless. Anyone defending “heresy” will be burned along with the heretic.
“Most meetings at Google are recorded, anyone at Google can watch it, we are trying to be open about everything, except for this.”
James Damore apparently filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board having to do with adverse conditions in the workplace before releasing the Google Manifesto
<Smugly nibbles his pickled egg>
Told ya.
It’s also clear he has a paternal concern for the poor kid.
Yeah, for sure.
I’ve seen a couple of people mention a grander game-theoretic idea of what James has done, and if that’s the case, the man is a genius master of disguise at hiding what his plan is. To me, he looks like a naive bloke […]
I agree, I think it’s a stretch to suggest this was in any way planned. As he says in the Molyneux interview he’s a very logic-orientated guy and just assumed others would respond in kind. I don’t detect any glint of cunning in his eyes, though it also appears he’s quite comfortable with the consequences so far, which I interpret again as a deep belief that logic and rationality will win in the end. As you say, “rabbit in the headlights”!
Despite all the virtue-signaling, I expect that he will be dragged to the gibbet regardless.
It does rather illustrate a common left-right asymmetry. ‘Progressive’ commentators who blather about “social justice” are more likely to be excommunicated, as it were, for any heresy. Also, “social justice” devotees are, I think, much more invested in their pious conformity, in terms of self-image, imagined virtue, and class status.
As Thomas Sowell said,
And hence the crab-bucket screechfests that have so entertained us.
If Damore attended a “top-secret” meeting wherein potentially illegal employment practices were discussed, and if he believed he might be required to implement them in the future, his pre-memo “lawyering-up” was probably the smart thing to do. It wouldn’t be the first time an organization ordered employees to do something shady while maintaining “plausible deniability” itself, only to sacrifice the employees later if the badness came to light. Further, if Google is acting in such a manner now, its reaction to Damore certainly lends credence to his fears and provides evidence in any actions which may be brought by third parties who feel they’ve been the victims of discriminatory employment practices.
The Jordan Peterson / James Damore video, embedded above, has now been updated with the full version.
‘Joel Becker, another alleged Google employee, said the manifesto cost him “at least two days of productivity and anger,”’
These people need therapy.
It is quite strange to see large numbers of ostensibly intelligent people mouthing obvious lies and behaving as if they were unhinged, actually unwell. Say, by taking days off work and retiring to their fainting couches to prove how empowered and capable they are. And to see even more people choosing to mimic those fits of pantomime outrage in order to appear woke and therefore statusful. It’s not always pleasant to be reminded of just how pathological social behaviour can be. And often is.
Do we need any additional evidence of the MSM’s malevolence ?
That’s what I said 20 years ago when a BJ got redefined as not being sex and when the MSM postulated that dropping one’s pants and asking for a BJ from someone whom you could quite reasonably have fired did not constitute sexual harassment while at the same time shaving a woman’s legs most definitely did.
That’s what I said 10 years ago when Rathergate happened, when the Stephen Glass affair was exposed and even made into a movie, when Bernard Goldberg wrote his insider book about media bias.
But now things are gonna change. I can feel it.
I wonder how many people want a Google self-driving car now?
“People felt afraid. People feared for their safety.”
It smacks of the consensus reality position. If enough people believe in something, it is. Party of science, indeed.
Worse, ensure that enough people are made mad and enough *of* the mad believe in a thing, and it will become reality somehow and less mad… or something. Very hard sometimes to discern between deliberate bad faith of the compromising-everyone’s-moral-spine/make-everyone-repeat-claptrap variety and genuinely trying to make enough mad people for the combined magical thinking to work.
A bit like what Terry Pratchett used to joke about with constructive or remedial phrenology, bashing people in the head to put all the lumps in the best places…
This is a bit long, but very worth reading, as it is entirely on point. If I was to pull out a particularly good quote, I’d end up posting the whole thing.
In the Dept of Irony, those who insist there are no significant differences other than physical between men and women are creationists of the very first stripe: the claim that evolution stopped at the neckline is religious dogma through and through.
Which is ironic, considering how those SJWs love clubbing Christians with the science hater stick.
“Now directing to Correctional Camp Block L. Doors are locked for safety. Estimated time of arrival: 10:26 AM.”
I’m busy preparing chicken.
Well seasoned, I assume…
How long before satire is superseded by reality?
If enough people believe in something, it is.
Reminds me of something…
One of the most laughable things was the guilt by association of “sounding like” a men’s rights activist piece. The only thing it has in common in any way are some of the Hate Facts relied on. But then, the “MRA!!1!” slam has always sought to use more fringe and unsavoury *conclusions* they make to tar their scientific basis, and from a scientific standpoint the MRAs have always had their data more grounded in reality than the 3rd wavers. Even when they come to superficial or impracticable remedy.
Damore’s conclusions, attempting to solve the problems in a liberal way, were 180 degrees counter to anything MRA. Doesn’t matter.
There’s also a certain irony in that a man suggesting a markedly Google search-like approach to internal policy (customizing profile, recognizing interests, filtering material by group appeal, personalizing) should be so crucified.
“If enough people believe in something, it is.”
A continuing theme in Terry Pratchett’s books was that if enough people believe in the Tooth Fairy (or the Verruca Gnome) then it will exist.
there are at least three hundred different genders in existence, and always has been.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
Smugly nibbles his pickled egg
Has anyone seen those hippo testicles I was soaking in brine?
Oops–I told that guy at the end of the bar to go ahead and eat them. I thought they were eggs. 😳
Gail Heriot, law professor.
Quite. Though there was an upper limit of stray belief, as tested in Hogfather. Not so sure there’s an upper limit of available lefty derangement.
Also, the formal logic as to why the beings came into existence was pretty sound as far as it went. Disappearing socks – > The Eater of Socks, misery on the consequences of revelry -> Bilious, the Oh God of Hangovers.
Look, we can’t be bothered to keep track of *all* the brined testes. Needs to be a better filing system on the things. I told the henchlesbians I needed some boar ones for an experiment and they couldn’t even be found.
As the comment count rises toward 200, the nefarious urge to just post anything and push comments to three pages for the jollies starts to manifest.
Feeling… faint… fingers drawn to… keyboard
Also, there is a man with a clipboard wishing to speak to the proprietor–something about a “health code” and hippos? Not sure what he means–we don’t have those here in the rugged USA.
Health codes, that is. Most zoos have a hippo or two.
As you say, “rabbit in the headlights”!
I’m hoping it will be “rabbit in the briar patch.”
Venn diagram of note:
Not satisfied with Damore’s firing, now commences the digging into his past in order to destroy him. And serve as a warning to others who may wish to flirt with dissent from the orthodoxy.
What swell people!
Venn diagram of note
Not satisfied with Damore’s firing, now commences the digging into his past in order to destroy him.
Despite the crowing and faux indignation, it took me a while to figure out what this terrible sin actually was, and why it was deemed so newsworthy. It turns out that as a student Mr Damore took part in a comedy skit that involved – brace yourselves – “a masturbation joke.” Well, heavens. I may faint. This crumb, which says more about the author than her target, is of course inflated into a “sexist ideology.”
What swell people!
Why, I wonder, are they always such dreary bitches…?
90% of men have admitted to masturbation. The other 10% are liars.
The attempted exposé of James Damore is typically light on sourcing. Adjectives are thrown about, but no-one seems to know what the supposedly outré joke actually was, except that it was about (gasp!) masturbation. Maybe they need to put their try-hard pants on?
Nobody except H. P. Lovecraft should be allowed to use the word “problematic.”
It’s interesting to me that the masturbation joke should be written up as being demonstrative of a character flaw, rather than as evidence of leftist hate towards him for years. Of course, it depends on what the joke was… but it’s really hard to imagine a masturbation joke that could actually be sexist. I’m trying, though.
Can anyone, for the purposes of debate, come up with a masturbation joke that could be genuinely offensive to a member (no pun intended) of the opposite sex?
I assume for the purposes of debate that Wiltshire Constabulary have so far not detected your blog.
Ms Ehrenkranz’s attempt to inflate this mote into AHA! PROOF OF SEETHING MISOGYNY, and a basis for mob opprobrium, says something alright, but only about her.
Feeling… faint… fingers drawn to… keyboard
This comment thread is starting to resemble one of those Depression Era dance marathons. People start dropping like flies but the ones still standing keep swaying to the beat.
Lordy, the comments over there are a real toilet blockage.
This comment thread is starting to resemble one of those Depression Era dance marathons.
Well, not me personally. I’m off to bed.
Play nicely. And don’t spill italics on the rug.
He’s already courting multiple job offers. Like I said earlier, this was planned.
He had already filed a complaint and found that Google was too good at the plausible deniability game. So he did something that was guaranteed to make them wildly overreact in a way that would expose them.
Look at his “oh gawrsh, shucks” demeanour in those interviews. That’s someone who knows that Google blackballs people who dissent from the orthodoxy, but that is not the demeanour of someone in fear for their career and future lifelong earning potential.
James Damore knew exactly what he was doing.
If I hadn’t read the actual memo long with the cites contained therein, the comments at Darleen’s link would make me think Damore had written a sequel to Mein Kampf. That something like Damore’s memo, which to a rational person would appear anodyne in the extreme, would provoke such vitriol is truly frightening. I have no doubt that many of the commenters, if given the opportunity and absolution for their behavior, would physically destroy the young man. It’s the same bunch which dresses up in black, wears masks and sucker punches people in the street in the name of ending fascism.
Well, not me personally. I’m off to bed.
Faith Goldy of Rebel Media shows us Google’s Social Justice Dream Team. Maybe not totally SFW.
Has anyone criticized Google yet for only dividing the proportional-representation gender pie 50/50 between male and female? Isn’t the trans/non-binary lobby strong enough yet to demand 33.3% of it for themselves?
Sporkatus, did you check in the Christmas decorations box? That’s where boar balls are usually found…
Guardian USA:
Reporting that James’ first interviews are with right wing people.
Commenters happy to stay in the echo chamber and ignore the heathen unbelieving bigots.
It turns out that as a student Mr Damore took part in a comedy skit that involved – brace yourselves – “a masturbation joke.”
No worse than performing The Vagina Monologues.
Ms Ehrenkranz’s attempt to inflate this mote into AHA! PROOF OF SEETHING MISOGYNY,
If all women act the way the ones who call themselves “feminists” do, then seething misogyny would be a rational reaction.
No worse than performing The Vagina Monologues.
Female genitals = woke.
Male genitals = cis hetero-patriarchal oppression.*
Not knowing this obvious fact = not woke.
(*Trans genitals = super woke)
If anyone’s interested in a little more black humor in this appalling farce, there’s this:
Sundar to be CEO of Google
“He’s a Tamil Brahmin. Representing the very top of the caste pyramid of the Hindu caste system – the oldest and the only functioning birth and genetics based apartheid system in the World today.*”
*This bit I cribbed from someone named Nick, a commenter over at Instapundit.
“come up with a masturbation joke”
Can it include hippo testicles?
Can it include hippo testicles?
Yes! We aim to include all forms of hippo-testicular joke-related humour/social commentary. However, having discussed this with our legal and HR departments, die, you hippo-heteronormative bastard, die!
This comment thread is starting to resemble one of those Depression Era dance marathons.
Which of us will be number two hundred?
This thread is starting to smell like my son’s gym bag.
Which of us will be number two hundred?
We won’t know till the next page…