South Kivu, Eastern Congo, 2010. From a series of photos by Richard Mosse using infrared film.
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Archive Reveal your “unique essence” with a celestial soul portrait. // Baby dreams. // Bacon caviar. // Crap at my parents’ house. // Iconic photographs. Including Evelyn McHale, Khrushchev and H G Wells with Lenin. // Wild marijuana grows on East Village sidewalks. // Art Deco motorbike. // A blizzard of feathers. (Caution: text contains art bollocks.) // Astronaut insurance. // Photographs of light. // Arresting bookshelves. // Webtagging. // Watchmen, Star Trek and Inception sound design. // When you need toast, stat. // Manufacturing sex dolls. // Wienermobiles of note.
Captain Brian Bews ejects from his CF-18 fighter jet during a practice flight at the Lethbridge County Airport, Alberta, on July 23.
Video. Via Instapundit.
David Horowitz on Christopher Hitchens and political second thoughts.
Writing of his participation in a “vast demonstration” in London in front of the American Embassy to protest the war, [Hitchens] recalls “the way in which my throat and heart seemed to swell as the police were temporarily driven back and the advancing allies of the Vietnamese began to sing ‘We Shall Overcome.’” He then comments: “I added to my police record for arrests, of all of which I am still reasonably proud.” But why? Hitchens’s antiwar comrades, the International Socialists among them, were not “allies of the Vietnamese” but of the Vietnamese Communists and, as Peter Hitchens correctly points out, of the Soviet empire behind them. What these leftists – and their allies in America and Europe – actually achieved in Indo-China was one of the largest genocides on record and a totalitarian future for the Cambodians and Vietnamese.
Norm Geras on the Guardian’s urge to hand our lunch money to bullies.
If radicalizing those susceptible to being radicalized is the end of the argumentative story, something one simply must not do and nothing more needs to be added, then that is equivalent to saying that should British foreign policy have the effect that some of our fellow citizens will take to murdering other of our fellow citizens or aiding and abetting in this enterprise or giving their approval to it, then such a foreign policy must be eschewed. And this in turn is equivalent to saying that the threat of murder should be allowed a decisive voice in the determination of foreign policy.
And Greg Lukianoff on knowing why you think what you think.
One of the great harms of speech codes and campus censorship is that it leaves students with the false impression that censorship is what good, compassionate people do.
As usual, feel free to add your own.
Jerboa. // Sculpted pencil tips. // How to pet your porcupine. // Robot butterfly. // The Rex exoskeleton. // MRI scans of oranges, mushrooms and other foodstuffs. // Beef lolly. // Abandoned couches. // A brief history of computer icons. // “Communist authorities suspected that Wittenburg’s photos amounted to a critique of the regime.” // Penn & Teller on the hijacking of environmentalism. // Simulated physics. // Pondering Inception. // Ode to Newport. // Tesseract 101. // Turntable kitsch. // Floating Point. // Bioluminescent algae. // Niagara Street, 1908. Spot the window cleaner. // Zoom trees. // A must for Elvis fans.

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